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    27 Interesting Items That Might Just Make You Put Your Phone Down For Five Minutes

    I said might, okay?

    1. You might have heard of the 'wreck this journal' diary. If you struggle to keep a journal, then this is the book for you. It has prompts asking you to make a mess, fill in your thoughts, and immerses you in the creative process!

    2. And to make writing more appealing, there's these bougie silver and gold coloured gel pens.

    3. Use your time wisely with this handy hair mask that comes complete with a cap so you can leave it to sink in with no mess! It hydrates dry hair and has a lush coconut scent.

    4. Keep busy and perfect your mani with these highly rated nail art brushes.

    5. And speaking of nails, this fun gel polish changes colour according to the temperature!

    6. If you're turning your attention to organising and your drawers could do with some serious attention, then this handy clothes folder helps you to neatly fold your garments.

    7. Take a break and treat yourself to these dark hot chocolate pearls that not only look fun but sound delish.

    8. Cleaning might not be the most exciting reason to put your phone down, but this electronic scrubber is so satisfying to use and gets rid of grime.

    9. And if you're naturally messy but fancy a clear out, then The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying shows you how to effectively banish clutter for good.

    10. Keep yourself occupied and spruce up your home with this white grout reviver pen. Simply draw on to refresh discoloured grouting!

    11. Cook your own pancakes, cookie dough, and eggs with ease using this super useful compact snack-making grill.

    12. Write the story of your life using this 'my life story' book. It guides you through with prompts and questions to help you create your very own autobiography.

    13. Try a new dish using these self-basting oven bags that can help you to cook your fave fish while keeping your oven odour-free.

    14. And while we're on the subject of food, there's this 'grow your own chilli peppers' kit.

    15. If you've been meaning to spend more time on your skincare, then this electric face cleansing brush costs just over a tenner.

    16. Give your feet some TLC and nab this bargain electric foot file.

    17. Get yourself some screen-free time by using this pretty pink yoga mat. It has an adjustable shoulder strap to make carrying it around super easy.

    18. This mindfulness puzzle book contains relaxing activities to help you unwind.

    19. Treat yourself to some time out with these super cute jelly lip masks. They contain cherry extract and vitamin E to hydrate and soothe your pout.

    20. And while you're in pamper mode, these aloe vera under-eye patches claim to reduce swelling and dark circles.

    21. If you're lazy, then this pair of lying down-friendly reading glasses allow you to read or watch TV without sitting upright.

    22. This purse-friendly lash lift kit will keep you busy if you can't afford a trip to the salon.

    23. When was the last time you deep cleaned your dishwasher? If you can't remember, you might want to invest in this Dr. Beckmann dishwasher cleaner. It gets rid of 99.9% of micro-organisms and bacteria.

    24. Try your hand at baking minus the hassle with this one-tin book of sweet treats that includes cookies, cakes, and bakes that can be created using one dish.

    25. If you have an arty side but don't know where to begin, then this paint by numbers set will help you to create an impressive masterpiece of your very own.

    26. If this handy DIY bath bomb making kit doesn't keep you occupied, I don't know what will TBH.

    27. You can get baking in style with this set of super cute silicone utensils.