These Interesting, Wild, And Downright Fascinating Pregnancy Facts Blew My Mind

    Okay but we need to know where a baby's wee goes during pregnancy though...

    The human body is nothing short of miraculous, and during pregnancy it manages to do some wild and downright clever things to accommodate the little human growing inside.

    1. Blood volume increases by 40-50% during pregnancy. Who knew?!

    2. Babies can poo during labour, which will make the amniotic fluid contain meconium (which is a dark sticky substance that is essentially a little one's first poop).

    3. The vagina may turn blue during pregnancy.

    4. Some pregnant women also feel like they're being stabbed in the vagina.

    5. You could end up with green poo during pregnancy.

    6. A baby grows fastest during the first trimester of pregnancy.

    7. Speaking of the first trimester, the rapidly dividing cells that are becoming a baby are called a blastocyst.

    8. Did you know that babies wee in the womb?

    9. The reason for those famous pregnancy cravings is debated, but theories include heightened hormones and that having someone else get the craved food shows reassurance to the person who is pregnant.

    10. You might've wondered what happens to your organs during pregnancy. Well, they shift to make room for the baby.

    11. Most people know that the breasts change during pregnancy, but did you know your nipples can darken significantly in colour?!

    12. Some women become hairier during pregnancy.

    13. Others develop something called Linea Nigra.

    14. Some people fart more when they're pregnant.

    15. Piles are common during pregnancy.

    16. Twins can be born years apart. This happens if the parents have IVF and use the same batch of embryos from the same treatment cycle at different times.

    17. One theory for why a pregnant woman's sense of smell is heightened is because it's the body's way of protecting your baby from external threats. It's also thought it could be hormonal.

    What's a pregnancy fact you were shocked to find out? Share it in the comments below!