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    29 Dreamy Items That Might Just Have You Romanticising Your Life TikTok-Style In 2022

    2022 is the year of living your best life babe.

    1. This mirrored alarm clock will have you wanting to spring out of bed in the morning as if you're that girl.

    2. If you're totally addicted to watching people organise stuff on TikTok, then these herb and spice jar labels will probably speak to you on a whole new level.

    3. These clear flower jelly lip glosses almost look too pretty to actually use. I said almost!

    4. Get the space of your monochrome dreams with this statement cream and black rug.

    5. And to get the same vibe in your WFH space, there's these wire wall display boards.

    6. This handy foam maker turns your cleanser, shampoo, or conditioner into a soapy dream!

    7. Give your phone a lil' glow up by nabbing this nifty opal-effect PopSocket that helps you hold your device. It also acts as a handy stand FYI.

    8. If you're a sucker for anything heart shaped, then these konjac sponges gently exfoliate.

    9. And if the adorable ice cream packaging on this cute lip tint doesn't have you rushing to the checkout, then I don't know what to tell you.

    10. These dreamy pastel fridge organisers just scream storage goals!

    11. Throw this perfume bottle-shaped fan in your handbag for a touch of glam on the go.

    12. I won't lie, this set of claw clips are giving me TikTok hair goal vibes.

    13. I can almost hear the cries of "where did you find those?" when you whip out these mini wine bottle lip tints!

    14. This abstract doughnut vase is chic and on-trend.

    15. These cute cherry lip masks look as fun as they are useful! They remove dead skin and nourish your pout.

    16. Add some texture to your sofa or bed with this stylish knot cushion.

    17. And you can relax in style by lighting this mini lust-worthy soy bubble candle.

    18. Give five-star hotel breakfasts a run for their money by nabbing this bargainous double wall-mounted cereal dispenser.

    19. If you don't think that these clear milk carton-style water bottles are a vibe, then I don't know what to tell you.

    20. And for your morning cuppa, there's these super chic glass walled mugs.

    21. Just imagine this silk hair scrunchie with a swishy ponytail.

    22. Add a pop of colour to your wall with this marble-effect teal canvas.

    23. This pink oil dispenser is a whole aesthetic in itself.

    24. Who wouldn't want a lipstick handbag? This unusual beauty comes with three lipsticks that you can store inside!

    25. This on-trend blanket ladder acts as a decor piece and a storage option.

    26. Meanwhile, this fancy-looking casserole dish looks similar to ones triple its price.

    27. Become that girl and nab yourself this portable blender so that you can juice on the go!

    28. Start a journal using this reusable smart notebook which contains paper that can be erased up to 500 times!

    29. Finally, summertime you will probably be glad you invested in this iced coffee cup.