If You Spent Years Convinced You Didn't Want Kids, Tell Me What Ended Up Changing Your Mind

    All the "you'll change your mind" folks out there, get your popcorn ready.

    There are plenty of people who realize fairly early on in life that they don't want to have kids and never change their minds, but there are also people who spend years not wanting to be parents but end up doing it anyway.

    While it personally couldn't be me, I'm genuinely curious about what drives this change of heart.

    Maybe you held the baby of a friend or relative and it grabbed your finger and you had a Eureka moment (like that scene with Ross and his monkey Marcel in Friends).

    Or you thought you didn't like kids, but then realized you just didn't like other people's kids.

    Or maybe you found out about the corpse dads and it awakened a previously dormant maternal urge in you.

    Whatever it might be, let me know in the comments (or via this Google form if you want to remain anonymous) for a future BuzzFeed Community post.