Tell Us Your Partner’s Red Flag That You Ignored At First

    Red flags as far as the eye can see...

    A romantic partner's red flags aren't always that easy to spot — especially early on in a relationship.

    You might have on a particularly strong pair of "love goggles" that make it difficult to see your partner's faults.

    Perhaps you thought it wasn't that big of a deal that they lied about multiple things in their online dating profile.

    Or they had a tendency to make fun of you in a way that was more cruel than playful, and you brushed it off because they were "just playing around."

    Or maybe you didn't realize at first that your S.O. was love bombing you.

    Tell me the red flag you missed at first in the comments (or via this Google form if you want to remain anonymous) for a chance to be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post.