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People Whose Relationships Were Ruined By Money, What Happened?

Mo money mo problems...but also less money mo problems.

Money can be a touchy subject for anyone, but when it comes to relationships, it can be a minefield.

Couple arguing about money

The way I've heard friends and family members talk about the arguments they've had with their partners over money has made me determined to have a lengthy conversation (or several) with any future spouse about how we plan to handle our money.

Notepad with a budget plan on it next to a piggy bank

If money played a hand in ending your relationship, I want to hear about it.

Maybe one of you wanted to combine all your finances and the other wanted to keep everything separate.

A couple keeping their finances separate

Or maybe one partner earned way more money than the other and you couldn't agree on how to stagger your budgets to reflect that.

A guy hiding money behind his back from his wife

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