School Nurses, Tell Me The Wildest Thing You've Had To Deal With That Made You Go, "I Need A Raise"

    I'm sorry to every school nurse who's gotten head lice from their students.

    It's been a while since I was in school, but when I look back at the handful of times I spent in the school nurse's office, it seems like it was...probably not a fun job.

    Between head lice checks, angry parents, and a myriad of other new problems kids have most likely started having since I graduated, there are a lot of opportunities for things to get unpleasant.

    But I want to hear about the really wild stuff — the stuff that makes you, at best, think, I need a raise, like, yesterday, and at worst make plans to disappear and go live off the grid.

    Head to the comments and let me know some of the weirdest and most intense things you've had to deal with as a school nurse for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.