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    10 People Who Take Astrology Super Seriously And 10 People Who Don’t Buy Into It At All

    "Dating apps should give us the option to put that we don’t believe in astrology."

    In this day and age, there are few topics more divisive than astrology.

    Whenever it comes up in casual conversation, it seems like people either use it to run their whole lives, or they denounce it as nonsense.

    I myself mostly fall into the latter camp, but I also don't judge people for being into it — until they try to tell me I'm acting a certain way because of my sign. Even then, I have the decency to sigh and roll my eyes discreetly.

    a birth chart

    Here are 10 other people who just can't get into astrology:

    Confession: I don't buy into astrology in the slightest.

    Twitter: @RunWanderWonder

    Dating apps should give us the option to put that we don’t believe in astrology

    Twitter: @michaelsayman

    Why do I feel like such a Pick Me when I tell ppl I don’t believe in astrology

    Twitter: @_rhum

    I don’t believe in astrology but geminis be making me wonder 💭 🤔🥴🥴😂😂😂

    Twitter: @Mikiah_

    I don’t rly buy into astrology but I do wish that Aries had a cooler thing so I could be HAHA IT’S ARIES SEASON MOTHERFUCKERS TIME TO BE A STRAIGHT UP BITCH

    Twitter: @RachelWenitsky

    I don’t believe in astrology but I do believe in assessing your personality entirely based on which season of The Wire you think is best.

    Twitter: @la_louve_rouge_
    @NapervillePol / Via Twitter: @NapervillePol

    I'm sorry but you'll never be able to convince me that astrology is real

    Twitter: @MikeWizzle

    If you think astrology is legit then explain how there's a full moon and I've seen zero werewolves

    Twitter: @GastierWil

    Me on astrology: Yeah I don't really buy into the idea that the stars, planets, and moons can predict your future... Me on bones day: IS IT GOING TO BE A GOOD DAY OR NOT?!??

    NBC / Via Twitter: @sophiekeen

    And here are 10 people who are all in when it comes to astrology:

    u cannot convince astrology isn’t real why r all leo’s like that then??

    Twitter: @222taaylor

    “i dOnT beLiEvE iN aSTRoLOGy” BOOOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅

    Twitter: @bigempressnergy

    If you don’t believe in Astrology don’t talk to me

    Twitter: @ChantelJeffries

    I don’t believe astrology is right, I know astrology is right.

    Twitter: @starheal
    Twitter: @omniwitchbb

    Unfortunately the astrology hoes have been right all along. It’s real

    Twitter: @s4m31p4n
    Twitter: @AVenusianVirgo

    i feel bad for ppl that fail to see the truth in astrology

    Twitter: @rinnesy

    I love astrology the shit always adding up

    Twitter: @planetmari_

    idc who don’t believe in astrology bc that last full moon was insane

    Twitter: @wowiwrite

    How do you feel about astrology? Sound off in the comments!