If You Don't Laugh At Any Of These Pictures, You've Never Worked In A Restaurant

    The struggle is real.

    1. When you ~pretend~ to tell the kitchen something:

    2. When your table asks you to take a picture of them at 7:30 p.m. on a Friday:

    3. When you successfully make it through the lunch rush:

    4. The question that all FOH employees have wanted to ask:

    5. This accomplishment worthy of a standing ovation:

    6. When your table is NOT interested in small talk:

    7. When you finally realize why your order is taking so long:

    8. When your eight-top puts everything on one card:

    9. When servers get together to ~chat~:

    10. When you finally get to take a break:

    11. And it immediately ends:

    12. When you pick up an extra shift:

    13. When you find that perfect hiding place where the expo can't see you:

    14. This kitchen tape that sums up what everyone is feeling:

    15. When the host sets you up for failure:

    16. When you're screaming "HOT BEHIND" and no one moves:

    17. Trying to find that perfect balance of making money and having a life:

    18. When you have no idea what's going on: