23 Signs You Went To Culinary School


    1. You respond "HEARD!" whenever someone asks you to do anything.

    2. You have more than one stripe on your forearm from reaching into ovens/broilers that were too high.

    3. Every time you bend over, you grab your left arm to prevent your phantom thermometer/pens from falling out.

    4. You don't think it's weird to give high elbows instead of high fives/hand shakes.

    5. You walk into a room and immediately forget why you're there.

    6. You learned how to perform a tournée cut — but never actually used the skill in real life.

    7. You understand that Sharpies and side towels are sacred personal property.

    8. You think it's completely normal for school classes to start at any time of the day.

    9. You'll never forget the smell (and extreme cold) of meat and fish class.

    10. You know exactly how long it takes for you to grow stubble.

    11. You don't even recognize your classmates outside of the kitchen.

    12. You understand the struggle of making consommé.

    13. You have tape stuck to your knives that'll literally NEVER come off.

    14. You remember the subtle pain of your toque digging into the top of your ears...

    15. And just how ridiculous you looked when you took it off.

    16. You don't understand the concept of "summer breaks."

    17. Your most prized recipe is for stain fighter.

    18. You've definitely thought about eating overcooked chicken out of the classroom stock pot.

    19. You still have nightmares about egg day...

    20. And you still have your favorite chef sayings.

    21. You have endured the pain of attending class while hungover.

    22. You yell CORNER every time you turn into a grocery aisle.

    23. You say your life is in the weeds whenever something slightly inconvenient happens.

    And even though it was tough — you would 100% do it all over again.