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Literally Just 18 Photos That Will Continue To Haunt Me

I am sorry.

1. This incredibly shiny (and naked) peach:

2. This big ol' bowl of peeled grapes:

3. Some more grapes, for good measure:

4. This peach that's literally being undressed right before my eyes:

5. This exposed lime that truly makes me uneasy:

6. This picture that made me realize the inside of a blueberry is actually GREEN:

7. This tomato that's being peeled so quickly:

8. Here's a whole bunch of them, just so you get a good look:

9. And here's some tiny cherry ones, too:

10. This borderline genius (but still somewhat disturbing) way to eat a mango:

11. Oh, and if you've ever wondered what peeled figs look like, here you go:

12. This perfectly peeled coconut:

13. This completely unblemished avocado:

14. This peeled coconut that literally looks like a rock:

15. This watermelon that's showing a little skin:

16. This peeled strawberry — which I didn't even know was a thing:

17. This bowl of peeled rambutan:

18. This truly bizarre way to peel a dragonfruit: