17 Ridiculous Labeling Fails Only Restaurant Workers Will Find Funny

    Bae leaves and synonym are my favorite spices.

    Instagram account kitchentape has been collecting some of the worst (or best?) labeling jobs submitted by actual chefs. Here are some of the funniest...

    1. This label made by someone who really loves bay leaves.

    2. This fruity felony.

    3. This fry mix coming in at number one on the charts.

    4. This label that got it close enough.

    5. This smoked sausage made by chef Anne herself.

    6. This Italian donut that is going through a classic rock phase.

    7. This interesting assortment of rainbow sprinkles.

    8. This clever (yet annoying AF) labeling job.

    9. This label that declares brussels sprouts a bunch of BS.

    10. This label that will have you singing "who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

    11. This tropical beverage made by the cutest forest creature.

    12. This graphic interpretation of hearts of palm.

    13. This label that any restaurant worker will relate to.

    14. This saucy sauce labeling.

    15. This seasoning prep that was done by someone with mad love for 90's hip-hop.

    16. This majestic vegetable of the sea.

    17. This simple syrup that will get you all kinds of crazy.

    If you like these, follow kitchentape on Instagram for even more hilarious kitchen humor.