16 Photos That Will Make Any Professional Chef Furious

    Can everyone please learn how to properly use kitchen tape?

    1. This leftover prep that the PM closer "saved" for the next shift.

    2. This horrifying label that is ripped, off-center, blank, and creased.

    3. When a shoemaker stocks your entire fridge with TIED prep bags.

    4. When a prep cook doesn't take the time to peel a damn label off.

    5. This knife that has been seriously abused.

    6. These unorganized bowls thrown into a careless and clinging mess.

    7. This all to familiar cling wrap scenario.

    Twenty minutes of cutting, unrolling, and peeling will only lead to disappointment.

    8. This walk-in fridge from hell.

    9. This dreaded moment.

    10. This accident waiting to happen.

    11. This photo taken the day the dishwasher called off.

    12. These stained chef whites.

    13. This asinine way to store an opened can.

    14. This slippery situation that will make the rest of service a bit of a safety hazard.

    15. This scorched mishap...

    16. This disaster waiting to happen.

    Infuriated yet?