Check Out These 2008 Photoshops Of "Obama In 2016"

    Let's put their accuracy to the test.

    It's well-known fact that United States presidents age faster than avocados.

    The pressures of the office just take a toll. As a result, we always find ourselves wondering what new presidents will look like when they leave office.

    Out of curiosity we searched "Barrack Obama aging prediction" from 2008 and 2012 and here are the results we found.

    This one from Gawker predicted what POTUS would look like after only four years in office.

    Here's what Obama actually looked like in 2012.

    This Gawker article also predicted a 2012 John McCain.

    And here is actual 2012 John McCain.

    This 2012 Bloomberg Business cover says, "The Next Four Years," although it looks more like the next 40.

    Bloomberg also imagined a 2016 Romney. It also imagines a world where Just for Men went out of business.

    Here's actual 2016 Romney for reference.

    This one from 2009 appears to predict that instead of quitting cigarettes, Obama would bump to two packs a day.

    This contest submission from 2009 assumes the pressures of the office would somehow morph Obama into Morgan Freeman.

    Even though it was guessing what Obama would look like in 2012, this 2008 PhotoPop prediction is pretty accurate for today!

    This Metro photoshop on the other hand...

    This Greenpeace series imagined 2009 world leaders in 2020 and is probably the most accurate envisioning of 2016 Obama we've found.

    Lastly, here's a photo of what Obama actually looks like today.

    Just kidding! Here's the real one.

    Who do you think was closest?