Here's The Time When The 1996 DNC Broke Out Into The Macarena

    If you don't know what the Macarena is, ask your great-great-grandparents.

    Lets face it gang, this election isn't exactly positive.

    But politics hasn't always been this way. Let me tell you about a magical time in the past...

    A glorious period historians refer to as "1996".

    During that year we witnessed then-president Bill Clinton begin his reelection campaign against a man who would later do Viagra commercials.

    And while the Democrats celebrated their 1996 nominee, a familiar sound filled the arena.

    The sound of mid-'90s dance sensation, the "Macarena."

    Everyone in the room immediately put down their signs and prepared for the most sacred 1990s ritual.

    Because they understood their duty as Americans was to Macarena their damn hearts out.

    As any 90s historian would expect, most were expert level Macarena dancers.

    While others didn't quite have the hang of it yet.

    And a few looked to their neighbors for help.

    But overall it was an impressive display of rhythm.

    Some folks Macarena'd with their friends.

    Others knew they had to take their journey alone.

    One familiar face just clapped her hands, deciding she didn't want to become an embarrassing GIF in the future.

    But that didn't stop her from having a great time.

    Because the '90s were glorious, dammit.

    Just remember, this could still be us America, but we're playin'.