21 Single People Who Are Staying Single Explain Why They Choose To Do So


    Single and ready to...not mingle because they are okay with their current relationship status? Recently, Reddit user u/Mysterious_Fudge171 asked single people for the best reasons to stay single. Here are just a sample of the responses:

    1. "You get the entire bed to yourself."

    woman sleeps alone and peacefully on a bed

    2. "I see people have unhappy, toxic, dependent relationships built on worship and dedication to the wrong people, which has deterred me. I value freedom."


    3. "I don’t have to take anyone else into consideration when making decisions."


    4. "You don’t have to endure in-laws, [or] dysfunctional family dynamics outside your own family."

    5. "I've got enough of my own bullshit to deal with. I don't want to deal with someone else's bullshit too."


    6. "In between relationships, a person should be single for at least six months. Get to know yourself again. Get rid of your ex's bad habits. Do what you want. Learn something new. Stop stretching your soul too thin. Stop becoming a doormat. Being single is great!!!"


    7. "The ice cream will still be there."

    8. "Protection of your time and energy."


    9. "Relationships are complicated. I want a simple life."


    10. "Peace. You don’t have to worry and stress over someone else’s habits or toxicity. When you’re single, you’re only focused on yourself and which path you want to go on."

    a woman faces the sunset

    11. "More time for watching cat videos and eating pizza."


    12. "To focus on academic and spiritual pursuits. Then you find who you were meant to be within that journey, rather than seeking them out."


    13. "For women, it's so they don't have to become a caretaker."

    14. "I don't have to worry about the love of my life rolling over and telling me they don't love me anymore."


    15. "Cheaper than divorce."


    16. "I certainly know I won't cheat on myself."

    17. "I've been single for roughly two years now, and it has honestly been so refreshing and so freeing. I was in and out of long-term relationships for years, and they never allowed me to heal and focus on myself. I'm 21 now, working on my mental health, and finally figuring out what I want. A partner sounds great, but I need to learn to love myself (even just a little bit) first. Also, you can do whatever you want and talk to whoever you want without having to check in with someone first or feel guilty for doing something you enjoy."


    18. "When laying in bed or on the couch, you can just let it rip, and no one will judge you."


    19. "It’s nice. I can do whatever I want and not feel like I owe anyone my time."

    20. "A relationship with someone is good if it’s the right person. The best reason to stay single is if you’re not emotionally ready or mature enough. Relationships are supposed to be a bonus to life. It’s hard, but if people aren’t ready to commit and be there for each other, that’s the best reason to stay single. To work on yourself for you so when the right person comes out of nowhere...you’ll be ready."


    21. And lastly, "You can pretend it is by choice."

    How about you? If you're single, tell me what reasons make you want to stay single in the comments below!