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11 Movie Risks That Failed Miserably, And 11 That Are Legendary

Welp...can't say they didn't try.

People online complain about Hollywood not taking enough risks today. Agree to disagree. Risks are being taken, even if they are not good ones. History has shown we will get more flops than blockbusters. Something, something, can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs, yeah?

Chinese Theater at dawn

Here are 11 films that took risks that paid off in a major way and 11 that fell flat on their faces:

1. SUCCESS: Les Miserables recorded all the songs live, and it captured all the emotions perfectly.

a group of French women sing

2. MISFIRE: Cats made the actors into CGI felines but ended up scaring movie-goers.

A smiling CGI cat

3. SUCCESS: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs delivers the first full-length animated film.

Snow White sings to a bird

4. MISFIRE: John Carter spent at least $250M but failed to capture audiences on a national scale.

John Carter pulls on a chain

5. SUCCESS: Iron Man launches the entire MCU on the backs of Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau.

Tony Stark holds up his hand

6. MISFIRE: The Mummy (2017) tried to create a cinematic universe for the Universal Monsters, and it was dead on arrival.

a mummy's eyes have double pupils

7. SUCCESS: Avatar created big blue aliens with motion capture and made one of the highest-grossing films ever.

An alien from "Avatar"

8. MISFIRE: After Earth spent a lot of cash on a father-son project that lost money.

A father and son wear oxygen masks

9. SUCCESS: Batman took a known-to-be campy superhero and turned him into the gritty dark knight we know today.

Jack Nicholson smiles as the Joker

10. MISFIRE: Black Adam turns a villain into an anti-hero and is just another Dwayne Johnson flick.

Black Adam doesn't flinch after getting struck by a rod

11. SUCCESS: The Lord of the Rings trilogy got the green light for all three movies without knowing if it would succeed.

The Ring of Power glows Elvish lettering

12. MISFIRE: Waterworld cost a fortune (at the time) and sunk in theaters.

A man with an eyepatch

13. SUCCESS: Die Hard traded out the potential for a big, muscle-y lead and instead cast the charismatic Bruce Willis.

Bloodied Bruce Willis in a shaft

14. MISFIRE: Wonder Woman 1984 ditched everything that worked in the first film and potentially cost fans a trilogy.

Wonder Woman lassos a man inside of a mall

15. SUCCESS: Titanic went from being treated as a joke to one of the most-watched movies ever.

Jack smiles at Rose

16. MISFIRE: Exodus: Gods and Kings was a major bust...of biblical proportions.

Ramses looks shocked surrounded by CGI water

17. SUCCESS: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl does the impossible and makes an extremely compelling adaptation of a theme park ride.

Barbosa, an undead pirate

18. MISFIRE: Pan offered a chance at a potentially interesting origin story of a beloved fictional character but delivered a cover of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Peter looks up in awe

19. SUCCESS: Get Out gives comedian Jordan Peele a shot at a horror thriller, and he makes arguably the greatest directorial debut of all time.

Chris cries while immobile in his chair

20. MISFIRE: The BFG was a Big Flop, Guys.

A giant laughs

21. SUCCESS: Mad Max: Fury Road revived a franchise by making one of the best action films of all time.

Furiosa driving a rig

22. MISFIRE: The Phantom Menace tried to explain the Force in Star Wars, and it just didn't work with the fan base.

Qui-Gon speaks to Anakin

Can you think of any films that took major risks, whether they paid off or not? Comment below!