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    19 Majestic Fashions That Deserve A Comeback

    You need them all in your life. Right now!

    1. Overwhelmingly Puffy Shirts

    2. The Ever-Useful Sock Garter

    3. Tres Chic Elbow-Length Gloves

    4. Delightfully Puffy Colonial-Style Cravats

    5. Baller Top Hats

    6. Funktastic Zoot Suits

    7. Super-Fly Straight Collars

    8. These! Bonnets?!

    9. Ever-So-Huggable Baby Dresses

    10. Glorious Hoop Skirts

    11. The Ever-Gentlemanly Monocle

    12. Wicked Victorian Collars

    13. Stately Powdered Wigs

    14. Handy Pocket Watches

    15. Undoubtedly Manly Walking Sticks

    16. Totally Enviable Elizabethan Collars

    17. Rideable Coattails

    18. Holmsian Briar Pipes

    19. Gift-Wrapped Children's Bows