Four Women Backpacked Overnight In The Wilderness And It Got Crazy

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    We here at Ladylike pride ourselves on our willingness to try new things, but when it comes to outdoor survival, it's not really our strong suit... SO, a few of us decided to give it a good run and backpack overnight, and it was quite the adventure.

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    First things first, we needed a dope-ass survivalist to help us make it through the wilderness. Meet Helen. She doesn't mess around.

    We then grabbed our backpacking supplies. In order to get to the campsite, we needed to hike for 3.5 miles with around 30 pounds of supplies on our backs.

    Our first mid-hike task was filtering water, because, ya know, survival.

    We thought THAT was the hard part, but NOOOOPE, there was a steep trail, the fierce sun, and a long road ahead.

    BUT WE MADE IT. Now for the tent, yucca cordage, fire, and a few selfies...

    After dinner and getting settled in, we tried to sleep, but it was cold AF and we forgot pillows...soooooo, that was a problem.

    Morning came, and TBH, we were ready to take some showers...

    ...but, in the end, we were so proud of ourselves and bonded a little in the process.