Twitter Is Joking About Seeing You At Hypothetical "Conventions," And It's My New Go-To Insult And Compliment

    Just got back from the Healthy Amount of Screen Time convention ... nobody there knew me. πŸ’”

    There's a new phrasal template that's going around on Twitter, and it's pretty hilarious.

    just got back from the cant make a girl cum factory and everyone there knew you

    Twitter: @contactabrother

    It goes something like this: "Just went to the [insert vice here] factory and everyone there knew you."

    just got back from the cant drive factory everyone there knew u!!

    Twitter: @contactabrother

    The template actually seems to have spawned from a slew of tweets that went viral earlier this year about the "dick sucking factory."

    went to the dick sucking factory and they all knew you

    Twitter: @JUNlPER

    The what? The "dick sucking factory" is "a fictional place of employment used as the punchline in jokes primarily on Twitter," as defined by Know Your Meme.

    i went to the dick sucking factory and everyone kept talking about how great of an employee you were. some even called you a natural. others called you a leader. saw some photos of you on the wall too

    Twitter: @haneswhitetee

    I love poetry.

    i went to the dick sucking factory & no one was there. the parking lot was empty. the building had vanished without a trace. an ominous silence hung over the untouched earth. i fell helplessly to my knees, my chest hollow. did i merely dream of this place? am i still dreaming?

    Twitter: @s3v3r1n333

    Anyway, back to the newest wave of meme tweets β€” at some point, someone decided the factory was no longer the butt of the joke, and that there was a ✨convention.✨ Some of the tweets are also just unexpectedly wholesome.

    I've rounded up some of the best tweets I've seen. Hope you enjoy them!


    Went to the regular bowel movements factory and no one there knew you

    Twitter: @savion_blanc


    i just went to the sexyness factory and everyone knew you

    Twitter: @firesignbutch


    Just got back from the mansplaining factory and everyone there knew you

    Twitter: @_emmae11_


    went to the former gifted kid factory and nobody there knew you

    Twitter: @sienasaysthings


    I just went to the Cheesecake Factory and everyone there knew you

    Twitter: @bigtoasty9


    i went to the swagless homie convention and they all knew you

    Twitter: @dieworkwear


    ay bro i was at the disgustingly alarmingly massive digital footprint convention and everyone there said they knew you

    Twitter: @itsv3n3oe_png


    i went to the overthinker convention and everyone there was talking about how they perceive you

    Twitter: @jerhadf


    Went to the people with anxiety convention and everyone thought they knew you but weren’t sure so they didn’t say anything and had nightmares about it for weeks

    Twitter: @suuuoppp


    i went to the stupid fucking tweets convention and everyone knew you

    Twitter: @hondacrvthe3rd


    I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you

    Twitter: @bigtucsondad


    just got back from the cherished and universally beloved friend convention and they all knew you

    Twitter: @yoniastro


    just got back from the beloved child of God convention and they all knew you

    Twitter: @mother_peaches


    went to the perfect sweetie angel factory and everyone knew you β€” they all speak very highly of you, actually

    Twitter: @bbellaaaa


    I went to the total sweetie pie convention and everyone knew you

    Twitter: @xanabon


    Went to the Debby downer convention and everyone knew you

    Twitter: @dmeebr


    i went to the big huge boobs convention and nobody knew you

    Twitter: @frogs4girls


    i went to the liar convention *narrows eyes* no one there knew you

    Twitter: @itsabsaf


    i went to the big doofus convention and everyone knew you.

    Twitter: @yasminesummanx

    And finally, 20. We'll end on a wholesome note:

    just went to the beautiful and hot and loved and hilarious and charismatic and likable and good at everything convention and everyone there said they knew you

    Twitter: @TheChadYoumans

    What hypothetical convention would people see you at? Let me know in the comments!