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12 Beach Hacks Guaranteed To Save Your Summer

Keep the sand under your toes and not in your drink. Remember these beach hacks when you’re packing your vehicle for a day of swimming and sunshine.

1. Put your phone in a plastic baggie so it doesn't get damaged by sand or water.

2. For that matter, you could store your phone/keys/other items you don't want to lose in an empty, cleaned-out peanut butter jar.

3. Turn your flip-flops facedown on the sand when you take them off.

4. Also, to prevent burning your buns, cover your vehicle's seats with a blanket.

5. Use baby powder to get rid of the sand that inevitably winds up all over your legs and feet.

6. Use a balloon to unclog your ears.

7. Saturate a sponge, then freeze it, then pop it in a plastic baggie. Voila! An ice pack that won't drip when it melts.

8. Dig a hole for some of that ~naturally~ cooled beverage life.

9. If you have kids or are spending a day with your teeny tiny nieces or nephews, use a mesh laundry bag to carry toys to and from the beach.

10. Keep bugs out of your cup with some handy-dandy cupcake liners.

11. Chill your aloe vera in the freezer.

12. Turn your steering wheel "upside down" so that it doesn't scald your hands off when it's time to leave.

Soak up the sun and party to your ultimate beach day playlist with available BeatsAudio™ in the Jeep Renegade.