Please Help Me Answer This: If Baguettes Could Move, How Would They Move?

    Baguettes are going places.

    Dave is an animator at Sheep Films. He's been animating for 25 years and is based out of Brighton, England. Earlier today he posted an animation on Twitter asking the question, "If baguettes could move, how would they move?" He also asked people to explain their choices.

    If baguettes could move, how would they move? Give your reasoning pls

    Naturally, many people had different answers and opinions on why their choices made the most sense.

    @sheepfilms @birdybirdOnline I'm in the minority here but I'm going with number one because baguette doesn't have bones.

    Many chose option three.

    @sheepfilms Number 3 ..... I'm a baguette connoisseur, trust me.


    @sheepfilms @moonjam Definitely 3. No flexibility.

    This person even added a fifth option...

    ...and some people posed important questions.

    @Bouletcorp @sheepfilms What if the croûtons were actually calluses the baguettes get from walking ?

    One person even chose to focus on the baguette's feelings!

    @sheepfilms @IgorBrazillian They can do any, it depends on the baguette's mood

    Dave eventually added his own poll — with option three being the front runner.

    Here's a survey. How would a baguette move?

    "Number 3 was the first one I came up with and felt like the funniest, but number 2 is my favorite as it's the most dynamic," Dave explained to BuzzFeed.

    He went on to explain what inspired him to create this animation.

    It was inspired by a couple of things. One was a small, stale baguette that I 3D scanned to create a 3D computer model, combined with wanting to learn a piece of 3D animation software. The second was Tumblr's content filtering that ended up flagging baguettes as mature content, specifically in animations by the wonderful animator (@Kekeflipnote on Twitter). I decided to make GIFs to trick the filter into flagging as mature content, simply as a joke.

    So the question still stands: If baguettes could move, how would they move? Please let us know in the comments, and be ready to explain your answer.

    If baguettes could move, how would they move? Give your reasoning pls

    For more of Dave's work check out his website, Facebook, and Twitter.