Good Samaritans Help Apprehend Man Attempting To Steal A Car With A Woman And Child Inside

    Sometimes bystanders don't just stand by.

    Sunday afternoon in San Diego, a group of men stepped in to stop a carjacking.

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    The carjacker, later identified as Ismael Hernandez, attempted to steal a vehicle with a woman and young girl still in it.

    Bystanders intervened and removed Hernandez from the vehicle.

    They eventually wrestled him to the ground and held him down.

    When an officer arrived, bystanders helped further by restraining Hernandez again.

    Hernandez remained defiant though the entirety of the affair, and at 3:49 in the video he can be heard bragging about prior carjackings.

    Eventually more officers arrived and Hernandez was taken into custody.

    The San Diego Police Department confirmed to BuzzFeed that Hernandez is currently in custody and has been charged with carjacking.