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First Generation Americans, Share A Mistake You've Made When Saving Money

Sharing is caring — your answers might be able to help others.

First generation Americans (aka, those who are born in the US to immigrant parents, or naturalized American citizens) experience unique financial circumstances throughout our lives — so it's extremely important for us to get 👏🏽 our 👏🏽money 👏🏽 management 👏🏽 shit 👏🏽 together. 👏🏽 At the same time, though, that can be easier said than done (especially when we have no idea where to start!!!).

And while we may stumble and fall from time to time, the most important thing is that we get back up and keep going. So if you're a first generation American, tell us about a money mistake you learned from.

Maybe you focused all of your efforts on just saving money, but never knew about some of the powerful ways to invest your money for growth — like mutual funds or a Roth IRA.

Or perhaps you wish you had saved even a little for college tuition — taking out student loans just felt "normal" because all your classmates were doing it so why not?

Orrr, maybe you took care of everyone else's expenses but neglected your own; You helped your parents pay off their home and funded your younger sibling's college education, but you're left with little or no savings and your own back-breaking debt.

Share a money mistake you made and learned from. You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.