We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    31 Amazing Parenting Products That'll Make You Wonder, "Why Didn't I Think Of That"

    But don't worry, they're yours to snag (and some for under $15).

    1. A lovely time-saving Oxo Tot grape cutter you'll probably get an unimaginable amount of joy from using, since it slices up little fruits and veggies for your little humans at rapid speed.

    gif of reviewer using the grape cutter to slice grapes into quarters with a positive review quote over top
    reviewer photo of containers of quartered grapes and cherry tomatoes next to the grape cutter

    See why one parent on TikTok loves it here!

    Oh, and it's not just for grapes! It's also perfect for cherry tomatoes, berries, olives, and many reviewers say it works on a variety of fruits!

    Promising review: "When we went to search Amazon for 'grape cutters,' I was worried that we may have hit rock bottom. It doesn't get more simple than slicing a freaking grape. I mean it's not difficult, doesn't take an enormous amount of time, and isn't even really that inconvenient (at least no more than cutting any other toddler food)...yet, my wife and I found ourselves dreading the process every time our daughter wanted a handful of grapes. We bought this little gadget with low expectations and fully anticipated using it two times before throwing it in our kitchen drawer where it would inevitably sit for a year before we threw it away. Boy were we wrong. It only took one use before we realized that what we thought would be another useless novelty, was actually a parent's HOLY GRAIL of food preparation. No joke, I literally used it the other day to cut THREE grapes for MYSELF, just for the enjoyment. I only take time to write reviews on products that I feel are truly worth my time to endorse, and this little gadget was more than worthy. If your little one enjoys eating grapes, do yourself the unimaginable pleasure of buying this...you won't regret it." —Michael

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    2. A nifty bath toy scoop and organizer so splash time doesn't conclude with you wrestling with and tidying away hundreds of toys. This roomy, quick-dry mesh basket scoops everything up, suction holds to the wall, *and* makes tidy-up time super quick and easy.

    the mesh basket stuck on a wall
    side view of the suction holder

    Promising review: "I don’t know why we didn’t buy it sooner! It’s so easy to clean after bath now, just scoop, and all toys are in one place. It’s super convenient that you can suction it to the wall, and it doesn’t take much space in the bathroom. Super happy with this purchase!!" —Ekaterina Cheremukhina

    Get it from Amazon for $12.97+ (available with or without toys).

    3. A handy spill-proof snack catcher from Munchkin made for little hands to reach inside of when hunger hits. Perfect for the car, at home, or out and about, this'll ensure snacks don't go flying if they fall and provides easy access to their Goldfish and Cheerios — all with a lot less mess.

    A child model's hand pulling a cracker out of the blue snack cup
    Reviewer's video demonstrating how the container prevent snacks from falling out

    Promising review: "What a lifesaver! I mean really! My daughter loves her snacks; she also loves to make a mess, give them to the dog, or fill her car seat up with them. Then cry when she has nothing to eat. My wife picked one up at Target, and man... we used it so much, we couldn't clean it fast enough. SOOOO we bought a few more. and for less than $5 for two... this is a no-brainer!" —jeffgrantMEDIA

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $6 (available in four colors and also in a four-pack).

    4. A Silly Poopy's Hide & Seek game any parent could use to keep their kids entertained with a light bit of afternoon fun. Programmed with clues and silly noises, this allows them to play hide-and-seek without you actually having to put much work in. Just place this goofy gizmo somewhere secret, flip the "on" switch, and watch the cackles from your littles ensue.

    reviewer holding the rainbow poop toy
    A GIF of the multi-colored plastic Silly Poopy lighting up
    www.amazon.com, John Mihaly / BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the Silly Poopy in action. 

    Promising review: "Let me tell you that if you want hours of endless fun of hide and go seek without having to hide yourself, this is a must get! When it's hidden, it makes various toot noises and says stuff so the kids know if they are close. And when they find it and press the button to do and sing the silly poopy dance...even you will dance and sing along!!! Come on, it's poop? Who doesn't think poop and toot noises are funny, and if they don't, they are lying to themselves. A must-have for fun with your kids while barely doing any work!!" —andrea kelli gorman

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    5. A bestselling Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musical Toy built to calm baby's (and parents') temperaments with soothing, classical melodies — 10 to be precise! — by Mozart, Vivaldi, and other musical masterminds. This features stimulating colors that'll ~light~ up their faces *and* has an adjustable volume setting that'll feel like ~music to your ears~.

    reviewer's photo of the toy lit up
    reviewer's photo of their baby holding the toy

    Promising reviews: "I LOVE this thing! I bought it before my daughter was born because of high reviews. It's a reasonably priced toy, and my daughter has been using it since birth. Whenever she's having a meltdown, I break it out of the diaper bag, and she's all better. :) I actually memorized the songs and order, and they're pretty catchy. Not annoying and overbearing like other toys. I don't know what I would do without it!" —uhhdorkable

    "The best baby distractor EVER! Every person with a child must have this toy! I had about five tucked in various places in case one got lost. My son loved them from basically birth, and sometimes, it would distract him for hours of non-crying! (Heaven for a new mother.) Of course, in the beginning, you have to keep pushing the button for them, but compared to swinging him in his car seat, that was easy! Then, when he got older, he would spend entire car ides just playing with this one toy. I give it to everyone I know who has a baby." —NH-Mommy

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    6. A snack spinner that basically turns snack time into a game of roulette. This portable creation is slim enough to travel with you and features five separate containers (so no food touches one other — we see you 'rents with fussy kids), plus makes eating their five-a-day something that's *gasp* totally giggle-worthy.

    Reviewer spinning the container to reveal the snacks in each compartment
    Reviewer's child holding the container with various snacks in each compartment

    Check out a TikTok of the snack spinner in action.

    This is top-rack dishwasher safe.

    Promising review: "My 2-year-old loves it; he gets excited every time he pushes the button and sees it spin. He spins it, grabs a piece of strawberry, spins it again, grabs a blueberry; keeps him entertained. It’s easy to clean and compact for easy on-the-go snacks. Great product!" —Noe G.

    Get it from Amazon for $29.95+ (available in three colors).

    7. A slide-away storage bag invented to make clearing away Legos and other annoyingly small toys actually kinda fun. This seriously clever product features a bin-turned-mat design that lays out into a play area, keeps everything contained, and then can be pulled back together by the built-in drawstring handles. So, voila! Toys are dumped back into the bin for a back-to-business, clutter-free space.

    a reviewer's bag lying on its side with the mat open and toys on it
    the mat rolled back into the reviewer's storage bag

    Check out a TikTok of the storage bag in action.

    Promising review: "I really like this for my kid's Duplo Lego bricks, but I think it could be used for a lot more than that. I want to get one for my kids' train track. The fabric part is really large and would fit the track on it. I found the cleanup is extremely easy; all you do is lift up the fabric, and it all goes in the bin. An added bonus, my 2-year-old can dump over the bin, and it stays on the fabric part. I also would like to add that I like the fabric on the outside of the bin; it looks durable and good quality." —KFundy

    Get it from Amazon for $54.99+ (available in four colors).

    8. baby nail trimmer that — key word here — *gently* takes care of those itty bitty nails. This whisper-quiet device, which parents mention is much easier (and less nerve-racking) to use than a regular nail clipper, files down their tips safely and won't cause them to wiggle in fear.

    reviewer's photo of the baby nail clippers set with attachments
    A gif showing how the baby nail trimmer works

    The nail clipper set comes with three cushioned sandpapers safe for babies and children, as well as three attachments for adult use. Added bonus: You can even trim their nails in the dark while they're sleeping, thanks to the built-in LED light.

    Promising review: "Using this product is so much easier than clipping a baby’s nails with clippers. With traditional clippers, you have to worry about clipping their little fingers. This tool is so much easier. My little one doesn’t even flinch or resist with this. She is honestly amused by the tool. Anyone can use this as it is very simple. It does a wonderful job at trimming and smoothing at the same time." —Kristen Beatty

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in two colors).

    9. An adorable whale-shaped bath spout cover to ensure no little noggins are harmed when they're splashing around playing "captain of the tub" or, y'know, beaching like an actual whale. This can also get cleaned up in the dishwasher to avoid mildew buildup.

    reviewer's photo showing the blue whale covering bath faucet
    The spout cover in gray

    Promising review: "Whoever came up with this cute idea to place over the bath faucet is a genius! It definitely fully covers the faucet so my grandson won’t hurt himself playing in the tub if his head happens to be too close to it. It also blocks from him seeing the pull lever for the shower. He’s no longer drawn to it to pull it. This was a great buy!" —KadinsGlamma

    Get it from Amazon for $13.49+ (available in two colors).

    10. A Bissell multi-purpose portable cleaner that has parents, pet owners, and just regular ol' clumsy people rejoicing. This teeny TikTok-famous device is proven to suck up schmutz and stains from carpets, upholstery, and car interiors with a combination of a powerhouse formula plus warm water. So, the next time ~someone~ in your household happens to have an accident (of any size), you can take care of it in a snap.

    reviewer's green portable cleaner
    a reviewer's couch dirty with stains and then after all clean

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $16.99

    Check out a TikTok of the Bissell cleaner in action.

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok, and our toddler has turned our apartment into such a dirty place. Stains everywhere! Our sofa was in such bad condition (we only got it two years ago) that we were thinking of getting a new one. We decided to try this, and it is a miracle worker. I’m so glad we bought this. It’s worth every penny!" —shahzad mahmood

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59

    11. A set of soda can "lids" — I don't know about you, but these almost feel like a gift from the high heavens since you can transform any can of your favorite soda into a portable bottle. Perfect if your kids have trouble finishing bevs in one sitting, this'll not only make them travel-friendly for roadtrips but also keep 'em fresh in the fridge for a crisp sip later on in the day.

    A mountain dew can with a silicone bottle lid attached to the top
    Reviewer tilting the can to show the leakproof seal

    Check it out on TikTok here!

    Reviewers also *swear* by these for keeping sand and dirt off the rim at picnics or the beach! 

    Promising review: "These are amazing! Especially for kids. I have carried them by the top as well as flipped them upside down etc. and it does not pop off! I was skeptical but surprised at how well they stay on!" —Britt25

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in six colors and in packs of 12). 

    12. An Oogiebear 2-in-1 nose and ear cleaner, which features a teeny tiny scoop (to capture stubborn dried boogers and earwax) and a teeny tiny lasso (to gently remove snot). Both are so satisfyingly effective, you'll get equally as giddy as you do grossed out each and every time you use it.

    reviewer's photo showing the booger cleaning tool in a packaging
    reviewer holding the small blue cleaner in their palm

    And if you want to see how it works, check out this baby getting their ear cleaned in this TikTok

    Oogiebear is a small business started by a mom who is a pharmacist and realized there was no tool to help clear babies and kids' noses. You may have seen the brand on Shark Tank

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping editor Chandni Reddy says: "I'm probably the only one who is unreasonably excited about this bear tool. But it's one of those things I didn't know I needed, until I bought it and realized how handy it is. I haven't used it to clean ears, but use it daily to to fish out crusty/gooey boogers from both my kids' nosies. The scoop end removes dried boogers and the loop end lassos sticky snot. (TMI, sorry)."

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    13. Boon drying rack if your collection of bottles and accessories for your tiny human has gone from cute to chaotic. This little lawn will bring order to your drying spot and hosts just about any shaped item — *and* features a tray to collect all the water.

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping parenting editor Chandni Reddy has this and raves: "Is it possible for a drying rack to be life-changing? Why yes, it is. I caved and bought this grassy patch after my kitchen started to look like an episode of Hoarders. This thing instantly organized my kitchen by creating a dedicated spot for baby stuff. Bottles, pump parts, sippy cups...this bad boy can hold a LOT (at least six bottles and four cups at once) and dries everything quickly. Did I mention it's a heck of a lot more cheerful and stylish than your regular drying rack?"

    Promising review: "Newborn twins are a mess. They took over our house within moments of coming through the door. For this type A mama, it was a horrifying side effect of the two most precious things in the world. A friend gave us one lawn at our shower, and we promptly hopped on Amazon and bought a second to manage the sheer volume. The lawn and the accessories are a convenient and cute way to keep your bottles and pump parts organized. There is ample space in one for one baby's needs." —Lacey

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in three styles).

    14. And a coordinating cacti brush set so adorable, it'll look great beside your new drying rack as you clean every hard-to-reach nook and cranny of your little one's sippy cups, bottles, and breast pump parts. Plus, even reviewers without toddlers mention that these are great at cleaning reusable straws and bottles!

    the complete cacti brush set in its container
    all the individual items of the brush set laid out

    This set comes with a bottle brush, straw brush, nipple brush, and a detail brush that all sit within a cup and easy-drain container.

    Promising review: "I love this new bottle brush set; works well with a variety of bottles and sippy cups. I especially like the straw brush. The handy cup that it comes in is super cute yet very functional with allowing all the brushes to properly dry." —ZoeyBella

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in three styles).

    15. An ingenious sandwich cutter and sealer set that'll help you make a fantastic (and more economically-friendly) alternative to store-bought Uncrustables. These'll allow you to customize exactly what goes inside their sammies, and they'll still never have to touch a crust if they don't want to. Win-win!

    The sandwich cutter and sealer
    Reviewer's photo showing homemade uncrustables

    This comes with circle-, triangle-, and square-shaped cutters.

    Promising review: "These have been a GAME-CHANGER in this house!! My son has always begged me for Uncrustables, but my wallet didn’t agree with them. I LOVE being able to make them at home and customize them to exactly what they would like them filled with! I make two weeks' worth of sandwiches at a time and store them in sandwich bags in the freezer, so in the morning during the school year, we can just grab and go! Love them!" —Katherine Smaczniak

    Get it from Amazon for $10.96.

    16. A cradle cap comb to soothe and rid your bub's irritated scalp of dead skin. This will slide onto your hand easily and is made with the softest rubber bristles to gently *and* effectively remove flakes. 

    A baby's head with dry scales on the left and the same baby's head looking smoother and flake-free on the right
    the flakes on the comb

    New parents, don't panic. Cradle cap — aka seborrheic dermatitis — is a very common dry scalp condition that affects infants.

    Promising review: "The pictures posted here are legit. It makes removal so much easier and gives more consistent removal than my previous method of washcloths or just scratching the cradle cap off with my fingernails. It’s amazing and gross and wonderful. My babe doesn’t even flinch when I spend 10 minutes clearing his scalp of all the goo. It seems to be soothing to him. I just apply baby shampoo, then brush a little with the blue brush. Then I slowly start to comb in sections all in one direction. Then I go back and forth in multiple directions. It’s shocking the amount of dead skin that comes off. I’ve even used it successfully in his eyebrows (he gets some cradle cap there, too). This is a KEEPER!" —ZMomUtah

    Get it from Amazon for $4.19.

    17. A dry food dispenser with a fun twist design and airtight lid to keep yours and your kids' morning meal fresh and crunchy. These will fancy up any breakfast bar, while also giving them the independence to serve themselves up the most important meal of the day.

    Promising review: "I purchased this because my daughter who just turned 7 wants to become more independent. This was just the thing to buy!! She is able to get herself her own breakfast now without me having to worry she will spill the cereal box. I would definitely recommend this purchase to any parent. It was easy set up and it’s made very well." —Holly

    Get it from Amazon for $16.61+ (available in a single, dual, or triple dispenser and three colors).

    18. A pack of Crayola Globbles if you're looking to keep your little ones' hands busy, like, all the time, but *especially* while you're handling your to-dos. With these bright and colorful sticky globs, the fun and entertainment never stops. Plus, no need to panic, parents — reviewers say these don't leave any sticky mess on the surfaces they're hurled onto, and the globs themselves are super easy to clean.

    Reviewer's video showing the sticky balls sliding down the wall
    Reviewer holding the balls in pink, purple, orange, yellow, green, and blue colors

    Promising review: "I waited over two months to write my review! My daughter is 4 and plays with these DAILY! YES they do attract dirt and hair HOWEVER they are so easy to rinse off it's not a big deal! We took these to a family gathering and ended up giving two away because they were SO loved! The two we gave away went to a 12-year-old and my 19-year-old brother. They discovered throwing them at the ceiling fan and watching them shoot across the room which was pretty entertaining! None of these have busted or ripped and they are definitely NOT gentle with them! I will definitely be buying more!" —Heather Hambrick

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $10.69 (also available in a pack of 16).

    19. A pair of easy-to-install sink extenders here to give your toddlers (and you) a hand with their hand-washing. No more back-breaking and hoisting them up just so they can reach the trickle — this'll give them the confidence and the sweet taste of independence knowing that they can start to tackle everyday tasks by themselves.

    A child washing hands in the sink using a sink extender on the faucet
    A faucet extender attached to a faucet

    Promising reviews: "Love this faucet extender for our daughter’s sink. It has given her the independence of washing her hands and brushing her teeth. It’s so easy to pop on and off if we have guests over and we want it removed. And the price is absolutely phenomenal." —H_Crowell

    "Brilliant invention! They make hand washing much easier for my preschooler! Great product!" —Abigail Spencer

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.49.

    20. Plus! A 3D-printed foam soap dispenser attachment that'll undoubtedly make getting their paws clean their favorite activity of the day, because each time they go to press the soap down, they'll get a dose of Mickey-themed magic on their palm.

    hand using the orange pump to pump out mickey face and ears-shaped foam soap
    the white, red, and yellow mickey attachments in front of three soap dispensers
    Mouse Delights 3D / Etsy

    These pumps can be made to fit Method, Dial, and Bath & Body Works foam soap dispensers — just choose the one you plan on using with it from the dropdown menu!

    Mouse Delights 3D is a small biz specializing in — you guessed it — Disney-themed, 3D-printed gadgets and accessories, from headbands and jewelry to keychains and straw toppers.

    Promising review: "I absolutely LOVE this product!! Is it necessary? No. Did it, and does it, bring me endless amounts of joy? Absolutely!! I was squealing like a child the first time I used it. I will be ordering more for my family who are also Disney obsessed. It makes me smile every single time I use it. Thank you for such a fun and well-made product!" —Chisten Overton

    Get it from Mouse Delights 3D on Etsy for $9.99 (available in 20 colors, in Mickey or Minnie shapes, and in styles to fit three types of soap dispensers).

    21. A clever foldable indoor slide providing endless hours of entertainment — that only took you seconds to pop up. Great for making (and unmaking) any room in your home their playground since it folds down flat once all their energy has finally ~slidden~ down.

    a review photo of the slide in a green yellow and blue color with animals and plants
    Reviewer's video showing how easy it is to set up the slide

    This slide holds up to 50 pounds, so be sure not to bring it out for yourself. 

    Promising review: "I got this for my 2-year-old daughter's birthday, and she LOVES it. She is a little nervous on the playground, and she took to this right away. It folds down easily and sets up easily — the design is brilliant. It was actually so easy that I watched the 30-second setup video just to be sure I got it right lol. My 8-year-old son got on it, too, and it held up. We live in an apartment so this is something that she can climb on safely without taking up a ton of space. Love this product!!" —jenna

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99 (available in four styles).

    22. bug bite suction tool that you'll probably want to hug the inventor of (who's a mom, btw!) since these suckers drain out the irritant from nasty 'squito bites and stop swelling and itching in. its. tracks. Translation: Warm-weather fun isn't complete without one of these in your bag.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it, the editor holding the suction tool and an after of the swelling reduced on the editor's arm.
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the Bug Bite Thing in action and see how it can be used to remove splinters too!

    You may have seen this product featured on Shark Tank! It is chemical-free, reusable, and safe to use on all ages, including children, toddlers and babies. Be sure to use light pressure. If you do it too forcefully, you can leave a mark on your skin!

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and had to get it. I’m super glad I did. My daughter and I always get a ton of mosquito bites, and this helps alleviate the itching as soon as you pull the suction back. It’s great." —Rebekka Talley

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in four colors and multipacks).

    23. A brilliant bottle catcher to prevent your tiny human from slingshotting their sippy cup across the room every few seconds. They find it funny, but the constant chasing and spills...? Not so funny to you. This straps onto any standard-sized cup or bottle and acts like a bungee, which can be attached to strollers and high chairs.

    a reviewer's cup catcher holding onto a cup about to fall
    the cup catcher on a cup

    Check out a TikTok of the cup catcher in action. 

    This product is just a cup catcher that can be looped on to any surface, but you can also check out the hero product: Busy Baby Mat if you're interested in the whole setup from the photo above.

    Busy Baby is a brother- and sister-owned small business that creates accessories to keep babies busy and make parents' lives a little easier. Plus, they donate one meal to children in need through Feed My Starving Children for each Busy Baby Mat that is sold.

    Promising review: "These are fantastic for keeping my child from dropping her sippy cup over and over during meals. I'd recommend to any parent who just wants one thing to be easier. But isn't that all of us?" —Leigh Powers

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in five colors and in two-packs). 

    24. A bottle of SoCozy curl conditioning spray that turns your little one's after-shower bedtime ritual into one that's a little more manageable. This stuff will *poof* gently detangle and restore tresses, all without the use of harsh and nasty chemicals.

    Reviewers say this spray will leave wavy or curly hair (from 2a–4c hair) shiny, soft, and bouncy. And it's free from parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic colors or dyes, propylene glycol, gluten, wheat, and nuts!

    Promising reviews: "Whoever made this product is a god damn genius and also my new hero. I spend hours every morning trying to pick my 3-year-old son's afro this had it picked out in 30 minutes. Normally he yells the entire time I do it, but with this product he only said 'ouch' one time and his hair was the softest it’s ever been. My son and I thank you. (After I used it on my son I went ahead and used it on my husband's hair with great success.)" —Erica

    "This is the BEST product EVER! I will never use another hair detangler ever again. We use this product daily in my house, my daughter, my son, and I. Both of us girls have long and thick curly hair, and it allows us to brush through our hair with no problems! And my son mostly uses it to style his hair before gel, and because it smells so good! We tried a few products from Walmart, Ulta, and Target, and nothing was good enough. This is now on my Subscribe & Save every month!" —Tamira McLelland

    Get it from Amazon for $9.69+ (also available in a pack of two).

    25. A pack of silicone mouthpiece lids, which feature a flow control valve that you can secure onto any food pouch to prevent an explosion of puree from those small-but-mighty hands. This is great to promote self-feeding and soft enough for teething bubs. 

    gif of reviewer squeezing the food pouch and nothing coming out
    reviewer's showing a cap on a food pouch

    Check out a TikTok of the lid in action. 

    ChooMee is a small biz based in Northern California, owned by a mom, that specializes in innovative products that solve everyday feeding challenges.

    These are reusable and dishwasher safe!

    Promising reviews: "I am OBSESSED. I saw these on a TikTok and ran to Amazon...so glad I did! My toddler loves yogurt/applesauce pouches but started purposely dumping and squeezing the contents out. But these make it absolutely impossible for her to do that without making it difficult to eat! I tested them, and it’s SO easy to drink out of, but I was unable to squeeze anything out. 10/10 recommend. I’m definitely buying more." —Amanda

    "These are amazing! I bought two sets of them so I can keep some in our diaper bag (or in case we lose one). We use these every single day for our 12-month-old with her yogurt (GoGo squeeze) and her fruit and veggie pouches! Seriously, love them. We previously had yogurt/fruit all over because she would squeeze them. My husband accidentally stepped on the pouch with this on, and it still didn't squeeze out! Once your baby figures it out (ours did quickly), it's a game-changer. I tried the pouch holders with the handles, but she just swung it around, and it still spilled out. This is what you want!" —Shem Slater

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in five color combos). 

    26. A scratch paper art set to make all of their doodling dreams come true. Your aspiring artiste will have everything they need to be minutes away from scratching and revealing their next rainbow-colored masterpiece.

    the scratch art with a rainbow castle on it and wooden drawing utensils
    a reviewer's artfully drawn sugar skull

    This comes with 50 sheets of black scratch rainbow art paper, five wooden styluses, four colorful stencils, and one brush.

    Promising review: "I cannot give these enough stars! These are the best thing ever; they keep my 5-year-old entertained for hours!" —turbo1795

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three styles).

    27. A jar of the internet-beloved Pink Stuff that'll magically clean practically anything and everything in your home — and even in your closet! This potion in a paste reverses ~accidental~ wall art from your resident Picasso, cooked-on grease from after-school meals, and even shoe scuffs from play time, plus whatever else that could use a little abracadabra alakazam.

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer before and after photos of cleaning wall with marker on it

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising reviews: "Busy mom of three littles. I live to find the next best cleaning product that will make my life easier. This is it! Cleans marks off walls. Stains in sinks or tubs. Hard water spots on shower fixtures! Takes care of it all!!" —AmandaKelley06

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    28. A wall-mounted toothbrush holder and dispenser parents consider a must-have since it spurts out the perfect amount of toothpaste, so kiddos can keep their teeth clean without needing a hand with the tube. A bonus? It's a genius solve for haphazard bathroom counter spaces, *or* lack thereof...

    This game changer includes a toothbrush dispenser (which means less product waste!), four cups and holders, and a place to store your toothbrushes!

    Promising review: "I love this item! I saw it originally on TikTok and thought it would be perfect for our bathroom! We have one bathroom upstairs and five people who use it. This cleared up so much counter space for us! There are ventilation holes where the cups go to help make sure they dry properly. The toothpaste dispenser has really been working to get every last drop out of the tube. Would definitely recommend for a family or kids' bathroom. There is also a little storage compartment behind the toothpaste that is great for extra brushes, Q-tips, or flossers." —Sariyah J

    Get it from Amazon for $17.47+ (available in three colors).

    29. A National Geographic geodes kit that'll essentially feel like finding a pot of treasure (quite literally) in a toy store. For any aspiring geologist or little one who just has an appreciation for shiny things, this set comes with a whole bunch of stuff to get them excited to learn about geodes, volcanoes, and crystals. They love any excuse to (safely) smash things, after all!

    reviewer's opened geodes
    gif of person using a hammer to break open a geode

    This science kit includes four natural crystal-filled geodes, one pair of safety goggles, one display stand, and one learning guide.

    Promising review: "My daughter is 10, and this kept her busy for HOURS! She had so much fun and was excited every time she got a glimpse of what might be inside. A couple of them were pretty cool, while the rest were just white. She didn't care; she loves them all. She was so proud to gift them to her grandparents." —Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in three sizes).

    30. A pack of toilet seat covers to avoid your potty-training tyke getting their hands all over grubby public restroom seats. And this travel-friendly product comes with an optional adhesive strip so it'll stay put even if you're dealing with a certified wiggler.

    Promising review: "Listen, whoever thought of this is a genius. They are nice and big enough so my daughter doesn't have to touch those nasty public seats, and I also put this under her travel foldable seat, the absolute best. I would buy again." —Chanel

    Get a pack of 24 covers from Amazon for $9.99 (also available in a larger pack size).

    31. Wet & Forget shower cleaner that *surprise* doesn't require you to do any scrubbing (which we get is a task most parents do NOT have time for). Simply give the areas in your bathroom that could use some TLC a quick spray down with this...and then rinse off the next day. Plus, it only has to be used once a week!

    reviewer before with cloudy, hard water stained shower door
    same reviewer with a totally clear shower door after using the treatment

    Promising review: "This is great if you hate/forget to clean your shower. I did a deep clean and now spray this about once a week at night. No more pink scum collects on our floor and our grout has stayed clean. This takes one thing off my cleaning list which is invaluable if you’re a working parent. Also there is very little scent, so if your bathroom connects to your bedroom, you’re not inhaling chemicals all night." —Gabrielle

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in two scents).

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.