We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and itsย publishingย partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    37 Hype-Worthy Products That Are Practical *And* Won't Break The Bank

    Like something that'll refresh your hair for under $5 ๐Ÿ’‡โ€โ™€๏ธ.

    1. A marvelous humidifier tank cleaner,ย which looks after your misting machine that's saving you from becoming dryer than a lizard as you sleep. This cartridge "swims" as it cleans to prevent any gross buildup for up to 30 days.

    the blue plastic fish filled white white balls that sanitize the water
    the fish swimming around a humidifier

    Promising review: "Just drop this in your humidifier and it keeps the water pretty darn mildew and mold free. Super easy to use, no smell, and safe. I have already repurchased and given a few to other people as well." โ€”Kristine

    Get it from Amazon for $5.28.

    2. A two-pack ofย "flossing toothbrushes"ย if getting food lodged in between your teeth feels like a daily recurring nightmare. These remarkable feats of oral hygiene feature soft, multilayer bristles that are essentially like strong pieces of floss that reeeally reach between teeth, under the gum line, and deep into grooves where cavities and bacteria can breed. (All for under $5 a pop!)

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchersย is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes inย antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans that even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines.ย 

    Here's what one of our editors,ย Emma Lord, has to say: "I love it just after the first few days of use! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively."ย 

    Promising review: "I'm amazed at how well this toothbrush cleans my teeth โ€” it definitely gets between the teeth and also more importantly for me, gets in the small, deep crevices in my molars where I always have food stuck and regular toothbrushes couldn't get stuff out. I brush more often (after meals/snacks) because of how effective it is. As stated, definitely go easy around the gums. The bristles feel soft, but will cause your gums to bleed if you use regular pressure. Nice and easy does the trick, SO WELL!" โ€”Jason A.

    Get a pair from Amazon for $9.90ย (also available as a four-pack).ย 

    3. A weekly pill organizer (in the shape of an actual pill!) to help you stay on track with your daily supplements. Reviewers note this isn't just absurdly cute, but surprisingly roomy for all of their vitamins, too!

    reviewer's hand holding the pill-shaped container
    the labeled container opened with vitamins inside

    This comes with a cylindrical travel case and a 7-day organizer!

    Promising review: "Superย cuteย pill holder! I just keep it in my drawer the majority of the time so I don't generally keep the outer shell on it. However, when you do use the outer shell it is completely leakproof for traveling, in your purse, etc. which has been an issue for me in the past. Lots of space for my vitamins!!!" โ€”Jennn

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    4. Aย Korean skincare exfoliating mittenย to slough away dead skin and reveal visibly (and touchably) softer arms...legs...bums...literally wherever you want to use it โ€” and much more effectively than your worn-in loofah!

    I can attest, this thing is like witchcraft in a mitt.ย I use this weekly to rid my skin of dullness and dryness. And I'm not joking,ย my arms, legs, tummy, bum, literally everywhere this thing graces becomes 10x smoother.ย It's now part of my routine before I shave โ€” and if you think aย razorย can give you slick skin...paired withย THIS, oh boy, you haven't seen (or felt) anything yet. Is it gross to see a week's worth of skin trickle off your body and into the tub with you? Yes. But is it oh-so-satisfying to get a closer shave? You betcha. Oh, and for me, I feel like this has stopped ingrowns in their tracks, too, because it lifts layers of skin before they harden and become more of an ish'. Basically, if you're looking to up your shower time routine, give this a go. Being gentle for the first couple of uses is key, and then once your skin becomes more tolerant, you can increase the pressure you apply. I can't wait for you to see how you and your skin like it!

    Promising review:ย "I have always had skin issues. Itchy, flaky skin, lotion won't absorb, no product really helps remove the gross dead skin in high friction areas.ย Theseย changedย myย life! Remove dead skin with ease, and aren't as coarse as those gloves you see in big box stores! I'm significantly less itchy, lotion absorbs better, and I feel better when I wear tank tops or even less! These things are a lifesaver. Most gross and satisfying, while scrubbing, I noticed the water turning gray in the tub as I scrubbed away all those dead skin cells. My allergies aren't half of what they were a week ago, and I can use all those cute soaps and lotions! I feel great. I'd buy these a million times more. I had no idea how much body soil I was retaining. I feel great after a shower and for once, I feel truly clean." โ€”Rachel Anschuetz

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ย (available in a one-piece and two-piece option).ย 

    5. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can trust to take care of your garbage disposal if it really hasn't been tended to, like, ever. These foam with a lemony scent and do the trick to deeply cleanse the underside of the splash guard and the interior side walls.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Easy to use. I followed directions and itย worksย just like it says. I only use this once every month now. First use I had to do it twice (which it says if it hasnโ€™t been cleaned in a while you may need too). Weekly I follow up with the Glisten garbage disposal freshener and that keeps my disposalย workingย well and smellingย great." โ€”Lostbraincell

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78+ย (available in two styles and a multipack).

    6. The Clean Ball, the seriously clever invention your grubby handbag needs. This honeycomb-shaped ball features a sticky inner sphere that captures crumbs, debris, and hair. Plus! It's totally reusable โ€” all you have to do is run it under water after each use.

    a pink sequin bag open to show the pink ball
    reviewer pointing to the dirt the ball has collected from their bag

    Promising review:ย "This little ball is genius! It rolls around in my purse, which I live out of. It picks up a lot lint, debris, or even crumbs.ย It's easy to find with the bright pink. Just remove and wash and itโ€™s ready to go again. The price was great and something I can use for years. If you live out of your purse, this a must-have!!" โ€” dj3biggs

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ย (available in three colors and a multipack).

    7. A jar of the internet-beloved Pink Stuffย that'll magically clean practically anything and everything in your home โ€” and even in your closet! This potion in a paste reverses wall markings, cooked-on grease, soap scum, shoe scuffs, and whatever else that could use a little abracadabra alakazam.

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand-new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. Whatโ€™s more? You need so LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" โ€”Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    8. Some durableย double-sided shower hooksย to make changing out your curtain and liner less of a headache. Plus, they feature nifty lil' roller balls that'll glide over the rod sans any tugging or pulling.

    the double-sided hooks with a shower curtain on one side and a liner on the other

    Promising review: "I hated changing out the liner on my shower because it meant I had to remove the curtain too. Not anymore! I saw this set of hooks in aย TikTok review. Now I can swap out the liner with ease. The hooks also slide on the curtain rod very easily, no tugging." โ€”Christina

    Get 12 hooks from Amazon forย $6.99+ย (available in eight colors).

    9. An ingenious chip clip made from strong materials to put those bog-standard food fasteners to shame. So useful and practical, this thing ~zips and locks~ up your favorite treats with an airtight seal to keep your snacks as fresh as the day you bought 'em โ€” plus is especially great for preventing freezer burn on items you want to keep icy cold.

    bags of snacks sealed with the clips
    the three grips

    Check out this TikTok to see how it works!

    Promising review: "I bought this small package for my niece just to see if she liked them. She did. I already had purchased a large bag for myself. They are the best! They do keep things fresh for much longer than before, and there is no worry about little bugs getting in. Theyโ€™re simple to use and can be used over and over โ€” indefinitely." โ€”C. Harvey

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $7.95ย (also available in a larger pack size).

    10. A pack ofย detergent cup holdersย so nifty, they'll make laundry day go by a little quicker. Your housemates will thank you for making this purchase since these little trays not only hold your caps but also prevent any drippy mess.

    Tidy-Cup is a woman-owned small business that was started by Julie Reinhold, who created this drip catcher as a way to stop her economy-sized detergents (which she loved) from dripping all over her laundry room.

    Promising review: "I had no idea I needed this until I saw it on TikTok. Listen, itโ€™s the little things that matter. This little thing saves me the headache of a laundry room mess. I love it. Fits perfectly on my liquid detergent. No more messes!" โ€”Luke & Christina

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $13.99ย (also available as a pack of one).ย 

    11. A shampoo scalp massager to soothe a dry, itchy scalp that's home to pesky dandruff. How? By a) reinvigorating, b) exfoliating, and c) stimulating the roots to really get that deep, deep clean. Plus, it can also be used to gently detangle any knots!

    And! This just happens to be fan-favorite among the BuzzFeed writers โ€” including myself. I have one of these shower companions, and while I don't use it every time I get sudsy, I usually run it through my hair after a few days of back-to-back dry shampooing. It really gets in there to clear up any buildup while also feeling like a nice little scalp massage.

    Promising review: "This has been the BEST $8 Iโ€™ve ever spent! I suffer from psoriasis on my scalp Iโ€™ve dealt with FOR YEARS. I get the worst flare-ups and the dandruff is just incredibly painful and embarrassing. I tried just about everything. I read some of the reviews and saw some other people had used it for the same thing. I literally just massaged my entire scalp while shampooing. I have a lot of hair so I had to flip my head over and do sections but I was able to get everything off my scalp. I didnโ€™t have ANY dandruff. It really did help get all the buildup out and remove any irritation I had on my scalp. If you have psoriasis, try it!" โ€”Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    12. A set of UV stickersย that'll amaze onlookers as their snazzy SPF recognition technology makes 'em turn clear once you've applied your sunscreen (an indicator that you're protected) and then change to purple when it's time to reapply. Each sticker is super thin and water-resistant, plus works for up to 12 hours.

    Reviewer with purple sticker on their arm
    The sticker turned clear

    Check out a TikTok of the sunscreen stickers in action.ย 

    Promising review: "After yet another bad sunburn even though I'm trying VERY HARD to keep sunscreen on, I bought these. First use was at Disneyland on a 90-degreeย zero clouds day. This helped so much! I kept an eye (as did my friends) on the dot so we all knew when to reapply sunscreen and not one of us got burned. I also used these on a weeklong hiking adventure in Utah where it was also in the 90s with an extreme UV index. None of us got burned, so all in all this is one of the best inventions!" โ€”Catherine Shock

    Get two packs of 16 stickers from Amazon for $25.99ย (also available in a pack 48).ย 

    13. A lovely time-savingย Oxo Tot grape cutterย you'll probably get an unimaginable amount of joy from using, since it slices up little fruits and veggies for your little humans at rapid speed.

    gif of reviewer using the grape cutter to slice grapes into quarters with a positive review quote over top
    reviewer photo of containers of quartered grapes and cherry tomatoes next to the grape cutter

    See why one parent on TikTok loves it!ย 

    Oh, and it's not just for grapes! It's also perfect for cherry tomatoes, berries, olives, and many reviewers say it works on a variety of fruits!

    Promising review: "When we went to search Amazon for 'grape cutters,' I was worried that we may have hit rock bottom. It doesn't get more simple than slicing a freaking grape. I mean it's not difficult, doesn't take an enormous amount of time, and isn't even really that inconvenient (at least no more than cutting any other toddler food)...yet, my wife and I found ourselves dreading the process every time our daughter wanted a handful of grapes. We bought this little gadget with low expectations and fully anticipated using it two times before throwing it in our kitchen drawer where it would inevitably sit for a year before we threw it away. Boy were we wrong. It only took one use before we realized that what we thought would be another useless novelty, was actually a parent's HOLY GRAIL of food preparation. No joke, I literally used it the other day to cut THREE grapes for MYSELF, just for the enjoyment. I only take time to write reviews on products that I feel are truly worth my time to endorse, and this little gadget was more than worthy. If your little one enjoys eating grapes, do yourself the unimaginable pleasure of buying this...you won't regret it." โ€”Michael

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    14. A pet water bottle, the compact way to make sure your doggo stays happy and hydrated on walks. Just throw this leakproof device, which has a feeder and dispenser for them to drink from, in your bag so that you're prepared for that next hike!

    Promising review:ย "I saw this on a TikTok video and checked on Amazon and ordered it.ย My toy poodle loves it and drank out of it with no hesitation. With the heat wave we are having in California right now I want to be sure she is well hydrated. Before I leave the house I fill the holder with ice and water and I am set. Easy to clean and no spilled water in the car.ย Easy to throw in my purse and have it when we are out walking around.ย I know what people with dogs are getting for Christmas this year." โ€”Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.98+ย (available in two sizes and three colors).

    15. A miniย lint removerย to put to work on most surfaces (think: carpets, clothes, blankets, sofas) and that can be taken with you on the go. Pack it in a tote or toss it in your car, for a schmutz-free look wherever you are.

    wood handle with metal scraper
    huge ball of lint from rug

    Warning: Only use this for your sturdier stuff because it's a strong little device and might put holes in your more delicate clothing.

    Check out this on TikTok.

    Promising review: "This lint remover wasnโ€™t confusing or bulky like some others. You just run it down your clothes to remove lint, hair, and fuzz, and it does its job! I was worried it would be sharp to the touch but itโ€™s not, which is great if you have little kids. Itโ€™s easy to clean โ€” you just pick it out with your fingers; it doesnโ€™t get stuck." โ€”JLemons

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $7.88+ย (also available in two-packs).

    16. A plant-basedย cooking oil solidifierย that says "no more mess!" in the face of grease that lives in your fryers. If you've been looking for a safe *and* clean way to dispose of frying oil, just sprinkle the powder in post-cooking (while it's still hot), let it cool, and then plonk it in the trash.

    model hand sprinkling white flakes into a pot of oil
    model and scooping a large block of hardened grease into the trash

    FryAway is a woman-owned and Latine-owned small business started by Laura Lady, who loves both cooking and being kind to the planet. They donate 1% of revenue to nonprofits focused on water conservation.

    Promising review: "Honestly I didnโ€™t know if this would work, waiting for it to cool down made me nervous, but once it was at room temperature it was solid. It popped out of the fryer so nicely. Worth every penny." โ€”Emma

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    17. A silicone toe cap designed to shield ingrown toenails, corns, and blisters as they heal. Coughing up a little cash now is probably the most sensible way to avoid any major problems in the future.

    Promising review: "This is an unbelievable product! I work 12-hour shifts in the hospital and need protection for the corn on my left great toe. I purchased the size large and it fit well. Underneath my socks and athletic shoes, I completely forgot I was wearing it โ€” bonus! The silicone is very soft and flexible and cleans easily. The product is priced well for the quality and quantity (six) that is provided. Each toe cap is packaged individually in the bag so the order can be shared with others if desired. I would absolutely recommend this since it has held up quite well for the 17 hours I often have it on (from the time I wake up until I am back from my shift). Cleans and dries easily and has maintained its shape." โ€”LJ

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $12.99ย (available in two sizes and three colors).

    18. SweatBlock antiperspirant wipes for anyone who finds themself d-r-i-p-p-i-n-g in salty fluids day after day (even if it's cool outside!). Just peep this before and after; the after could be you...in the future...bone dry. AKA, run โ€” don't walk โ€” for these godsends.

    Hey! Each box lasts two months!

    Promising review: "For anyone who might be a skeptic, please allow me to put you at ease. If you have hyperhidrosis, meaning it can be 9 degrees outside and you're still sweating under your arms, this product has the potential to change your life. I would sweat THROUGH a sport coat before noon. Enter the Sweat Block product. I've had it for three weeks, and it is life-changing. I DO NOT sweat under my arms anymore. I'm still on the original box that I bought three weeks ago. I had to write a review after I was cleaning the garage today in 85-degree heat...I was sweating through my shirt on my back...BUT NOT MY UNDERARMS. It is amazing!" โ€”Frosty McGee

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $19.99+ย (also available in packs of two or three boxes).

    19. A pack of Elephant Trax Labelsย so you can keep on top of what's inside of those boxes that you've got stored in the tippy top of your closet โ€” without having to go rummaging through multiple bins. And of course these are also great for moving!

    reviewer image of labels
    app that is associate with labels to show what is stored in box

    Check them out on TikTok!

    Elephant Trax is a small business created to help you keep track of your things. All you have to do is attach the label, snap pics of your things, and organize the pictures in each box using the app. Then when you're looking for something, you just have to scan the label on the app, and you'll see exactly what's inside.ย 

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and IMMEDIATELY bought it. I have A LOT of decorations and clothes that I threw into U-Haul and Amazon boxes three years ago when I moved in with my boyfriend. They've been sitting in our barn since. I dreaded going through everything because my brain gets overwhelmed very easily and the thought of trying to keep all my 'treasures' organized sent me rushing for a paper bag to hyperventilate. These stickers now give me hope. :)" โ€”Tess Brady

    Get a pack of 40 from Amazon for $9.99ย (also available in larger quantities).

    20. A sleep-focused essential-oils blendย specifically made with snooze-inducing ingredients like chamomile, sage, and lavender that you can sprinkle in your diffuser to help soothe you and promote a prolonged sleep.

    Promising review:ย ""Bought this to help on days when I have bad insomnia due to anxiety, especially during this pandemic. Can't say I like the scent of the oil alone right off the bat. It's pretty strong so you only need a few drops in the humidifier.ย But the first night I used it I had the best sleep of my life! Was knocked out fast and woke up feeling super refreshed!!ย Definitely recommend this product. It lasts well too so it's worth the price!" โ€”Wendy

    Get it from Amazon forย $7.99+ย (available in three sizes).

    Psst โ€”ย if you don't have a diffuser, you can get a popular, well-reviewedย essential oil diffuserย on Amazon forย $11.99.

    21. A bug biteย suction toolย you'll have to keep close tabs on since everyone in your circle might want a piece of the action if they're prone to nasty 'squito bites โ€” no matter the season. Arm yourself with one of these suckers to drain out the irritant and stop swelling and itching in. its. tracks.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice, and more (although TBH, if this list of bugs gets any longer I may just stay indoors forever!!).

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it onย TikTok, and have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few time to relieve itchiness and I am convinced it works! Have been recommending it to my family and friends.ย  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" โ€”Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ย (available in four colors and multipacks).ย 

    22. A sleek portable chargerย designed with built-in cords(!) that any time-zone traveler could use. Perfect to keep you juiced up on the go โ€” and a serious godsend if your plane doesn't have a functioning outlet (I know that feeling all too well). This bb also comes in a buncha cute colors and features an LED display. Welcome to the future!

    the front and back view of the light blue charger
    reviewer holding the black charger with cords built in

    Built-in cables are compatible with iPhone, Samsung, Android, and other smart devices. There's a total of five outputs, so you can get your charge on for multiple things simultaneously!

    Promising review: "Love this, bought another one the exact same day for my dad to keep with him in his car for emergencies. All the cords you need are attached. So convenient. I used it for 12 hours at Disneyland and still have plenty left in the tank to use two other times. 10/10 recommend." โ€”Breannaย 

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99+ย (available in six colors).

    23. An ingenious (and adorable)ย scrunchie with built-in storageย you can use to discreetly stash your cash, extra bobby pins, lip balm...whatever you need to keep handy when you don't want to carry around extra weight.

    Person holding out their wrist with a three stashies on it
    Hustle Sew Shop/Etsy

    Hustle Sew Shopย is based in Oregon and hand-makes goods like face masks and scrunchies.

    Promising review: "Love this scrunchie! This is perfect for when I walk my dog; it fits my house key, Chapstick, and treats, and STILL holds my hair up! I will be buying more for friends in the future. Highly recommend." โ€”Sarah Dickinson

    Get it from Hustle Sew Shop on Etsy for $8ย (available in 12 fabric colors and three zipper colors).ย 

    24. A pack ofย twisty cable saversย invented to extend the life of the wires that juice up your most-used devices. No peeling, breaking, or splitting here!

    A computer and phone charger showing the twisty cable savers around the wire

    Promising review: "Easy to put on and saved a ton of money by extending life of chargers. Also used it on my worn-out chargers and they are working better having been externally reinforced by this product." โ€”Amazon Buyer

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ย (available in four color sets).

    25. A foldableย Magic Mushroom funnelย that I may or may not have squealed over the moment I laid my eyes on it. Because let's be real: The absolute best products are the ones that'll make everyday tasks (read: missions), like transferring oily liquids into containers with thin necks or shimmying freshly ground coffee into a canister, all the more fun โ€” while also creating less mess.

    gif of someone flipping the mushroom funnel inside out and using it to pour oil into a bottle
    the mushroom funnel next to a bottle, which has an inverted mushroom funnel in its opening

    See why this TikToker loves it.

    To use it, just flip it inside out and stick the "stem" through your container's opening. Plus, it's dishwasher safe!

    Promising review: "I am obsessed with this funnel!!! I juice a lot of citrus and juices for cocktails, and this little guy is the perfect size for bottling. Itโ€™s beyond cute and really great quality. Iโ€™m always hesitant about buying silicone items, as I donโ€™t want them to be too thin. This is perfect! Sturdy and cute! Canโ€™t get better than that! The perfect addition to any cottagecore kitchen!" โ€”Abbey Klem

    Get it from Amazon for $13.95+ย (available in two sizes).ย 

    26. Anย Oogiebear nose and ear cleaner, which features a teeny tiny scoop to make the task of capturing your baby's stubborn boogers and the removal of ear wax a lot more gentle and effective.ย 

    And if you want to see how it works, check out this baby getting their ear cleaned in this TikTok.ย 

    Oogiebear is a small business started by a mom who is a pharmacist and realized there was no tool to help clear babies and kids' noses. You may have seen the brand on Shark Tank.ย 

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping editorย Chandni Reddyย says: "I'm probably the only one who is unreasonably excited about this bear tool. But it's one of those things I didn't know I needed, until I bought it and realized how handy it is. I haven't used it to clean ears, but use it daily to to fish out crusty/gooey boogers from both my kids' nosies. The scoop end removes dried boogers and the loop end lassos sticky snot.ย (TMI, sorry)."

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    27. A Lay-n-Go cosmetic bag,ย a clever storage solution for your daily routine essentials that, once opened, fans out to become a mat to keep everything in order *and* in plain sight. No more poking around trying to find that annoyingly thin eyebrow pencil that always seems to get buried at the bottom of your pouch.

    the pouch closed up
    the open bag lying flat with all the makeup in it

    Lay-n-Go is a woman-owned small business that specializes in storage solutions for home, travel, and personal care.ย 

    Promising review: "I was tired of fumbling around in my cosmetics case and saw this. I was skeptical, but...WOW! On my recent two-week trip to Europe, with constant laying out and packing up, this item was wonderful. I could find what I wanted quickly, right away. Packing up was just a matter of pulling the drawstring. At first I wasnโ€™t sure about changing to this bag, but now I could not do without it." โ€”Mojosharkey

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95+ย (available in 33 colors and three sizes).

    28. A ridiculously cuteย tea bag holderย in the shape of a lil' snail to make your favorite part of your mornings or afternoons that much easier to enjoy. If you find that you get grumpy over tea bags slipping, this practical (and adorable) gizmo will hug the string to keep it in place.

    reviewer photo of the blue snail holding a tea bag on the rim of a mug
    hand holding the snails in assorted colors

    This is a "mini home must-have" according toย TikTok.ย 

    Oh, and some reviewers even use them as potted plant decor!

    Promising review: "Love these fun little quirky tea slugs. They work on all shapes and sizes of mugs and have brought a smile to all who either used them or were the lucky recipients of their own batch of tea slugs from me. They clean up well with just a quick rinse under the sink and are even fun to use on wine or cocktail glasses to help guests track their drink." โ€”NC

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $6.48.

    29. A pair of buttery-soft hybrid leggings plus joggers so glorious, they serve the purpose of two different kinds of pants. Admirers are noting that these feel like strokable velvet ideal for chilly eves *and* have a breathable quality for temps best described as "sticky."

    Reviewer in a pair of dark green joggers with an elastic drawstring high waist
    Reviewer in houndstooth pattern joggers dressed up with work clothes

    Promising review: "Last month I bought a pair in olive, just to try them out. Love! Immediately bought two more, the heather charcoal (more love!) and the black with the orange print zipper. I like the black but the fabric is not the same, not that yummy soft buttery feel. But the fit is great like the others and I like the zipper on the pockets. Then I found this dark camo with the zipper, with the same soft fabric. Had to have it. And itโ€™s now my favorite. Bonus: These pants are perfect for traveling, they fold up to half the size of regular pants and never wrinkle. The only problem is you have to stop yourself from buying too many." โ€”nancykou

    Get them from Amazon for $14.99+ย (available in women's sizes Sโ€“3X and dozens of colors).

    30. A seriously impressive (and affordable)ย 16-piece travel toiletries setย complete with all the mini containers you'll need while traveling โ€” so that you never have to part with your hair, skin, or makeup holy grails ever again.

    The set comes with four bottles, two jars, two spray bottles, two scoopers (to help transfer creams), one funnel (to help transfer liquids), one cleaning brush, a page of cosmetic-themed labels, and a bag that everything fits in.ย ย 

    Promising review: "This is essential for flying! I fly pretty often throughout the year and after having numerous leakage issues with regular plastic travel containers, decided to go the silicone route and am so glad I did. I love that this set includes different sizes of bottles and tools to help fill/empty them so reusing them is a breeze and there is no wasted product. The variety of colors is great so I can easily tell apart my toiletries, even without the included labels! Love this set and highly recommend it!" โ€”Hennie S.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.95.ย 

    31. A set of silicone stove-counter gap covers, because there is a higher being who wants to save you from pulling out the oven and sweeping up messes caused by your beloved (but careless) family members. If you could go back in time, you'd plop these in place and that accidental spill of this morning's oats would make you laugh instead of cry.

    Promising review: "My daughter recently shared aย TikTokย video of this item, and it's a treasure! We highly recommend this, as it eliminates the difficult task of cleaning between the stove and counter/cabinet." โ€”allycat

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $10.95+ (available in three sizes and three colors).

    32. Aย hair thinner and cutterย for anyone looking to make a quick (and cheap) switch up of their 'do just in time for spring. Reviewers swear by this at-home styling tool for everything from bang trims to maintaining fresh cuts to creating natural-looking layers โ€” and for much less (I'm talking hundreds less!) than what they'd pay for at a salon. Plus! It's great for trimming and freshening up wigs.

    Reviewer with fresh bob hairstyle with bangs
    Reviewer holding up blue cutting tool with sharp edged combs

    The razor has two edges, a fine-tooth one for thin hair textures, and a wider one for thicker hair textures. (FWIW, people also use this on their pets as a quick grooming solution!)

    Promising review: "I recently got a pixie haircut, I was hesitant to get one based on the fact that I'd have to get frequent haircuts, the cost of which would add up quickly. I did some research on YouTube and found some videos using the Tinkle hair cutter to trim hair in between salon visits. I LOVE this thing! It is easy to give a little trim or a drastic cut, both of which I have done since getting the Tinkle cutter. I was very nervous to try it fearing that I might mess up my hair so I just did a little bit first, but it was easy and only takes off small amounts of hair at a time, remember, I have a pixie cut โ€” if you have long hair it will cut that off! Basically all you have to do is comb your hair in the direction it grows until you're satisfied with the cut. Seven months post pixie haircut and I have only been to the salon once to have a reshaping done of my hair. I will say that when the cutter feels like it's 'pulling' your hair, it's time to get new razors. I still prefer my pixie cut to be pretty short and assuming I would have to go to the salon once a month for upkeep I have saved $210 since having my hair cut. TOTALLY WORTH IT!" โ€”brandi in louisiana

    Get it from Amazon for $3.92ย (also available in multipacks).

    33. Aย Boon drying rackย if your collection of bottles and accessories for your tiny human has gone from cute to chaotic. This little lawn will bring order to your drying spot and hosts just about any shaped item โ€” *and* features a tray to collect all the water.

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping parenting editorย Chandni Reddy has this and raves: "Is it possible for a drying rack to be life-changing? Why yes, it is. I caved and bought this grassy patch after my kitchen started to look like anย episodeย ofย Hoarders. This thing instantly organized my kitchen by creating a dedicated spot for baby stuff. Bottles, pump parts, sippy cups...this bad boy can hold a LOT (at least six bottles and four cups at once) and dries everything quickly. Did I mention it's aย heck of a lot more cheerful and stylish than your regular drying rack?"

    Promising review: "Newborn twins are a mess. They took over our house within moments of coming through the door. For this type A mama, it was a horrifying side effect of the two most precious things in the world. A friend gave us one lawn at our shower, and we promptly hopped on Amazon and bought a second to manage the sheer volume. The lawn and the accessories are a convenient and cute way to keep your bottles and pump parts organized. There is ample space in one for one baby's needs."ย โ€”Lacey

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99ย (available in three styles).

    34. And a coordinating cacti brush setย so adorable, it'll look great beside your new drying rack as you clean every hard-to-reach nook and cranny of your little one's sippy cups, bottles, and breast pump parts. Plus, even reviewers without toddlers mention that these are great at cleaning reusable straws and bottles!

    the complete cacti brush set in its container
    all the individual items of the brush set laid out

    This set comes with a bottle brush, straw brush, nipple brush, and a detail brush that all sit within a cup and easy-drain container.

    Promising review: "I love this new bottle brush set; works well with a variety of bottles and sippy cups. I especially like the straw brush. The handy cup that it comes in is super cute yet very functional with allowing all the brushes to properly dry." โ€”ZoeyBella

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99ย (available in three styles).

    35. A jar of 10 toilet bowl bombs with tantalizing fragrances, like the seasonal scent of blood orange. Because we believe, besties, that you should work smarter *not* harder, and these will alleviate the need to arduously give your porcelain throne a daily scrub down. This blend specifically cuts through grime to brighten surfaces. Bonus: You can use 'em to clean bathtubs and sinks, too!

    the writer holding up the jar of toilet bombs
    the writer throwing the bomb in the toilet
    Amanda Davis / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Amanda Davis tells us why she's a fan: "I've been using the blood orange scented bowl bombs for a couple of months now, and OMG they smell amazing! Like, right when I opened the package. After during a thorough cleaning of my bathroom I always pop of these babies in the toilet as a last step to clean and make the room smell a little better (I have a teeny tiny bathroom so this little guy does the trick). And in terms of cleaning the porcelain throne, they absolutely work. My towel bowl always shines brighter after using one. It's also helpful that the packaging is plain ole adorable and I don't have to hide or store it anywhere!"

    Viren Apothecary is a woman-owned business based in Wisconsin that sells eco-friendly cleaning essentials.

    Promising reviews: "Literally canโ€™t tell you how worth the wait these toilet bombs are! They smell absolutely incredible but not artificial, and they WORK. I have a new baby and two other kids, and my house is basically a biohazard because Iโ€™m short on time and energy. I just plop one of these puppies into the toilet, come back shortly and scrub, and they glisten. Even my husband, who has never voluntarily cleaned anything in his life, will clean toilets because the fizzers are fun. I was part of the BuzzFeed order rush, and so there were significant delays, but the communication was awesome and so friendly! Even though I had the long wait, it was absolutely worth it, and they have a customer for life. Iโ€™m so excited to try their other products!!" โ€”Teresa Cambria

    Get it from Viren Apothecary on Etsy for $9.50+ (available in blood orange,ย eucalyptus, or unscented).

    36. A stainless-steel and alloyย false eyelash applicatorย โ€” whether you're new to falsies or a seasoned applier, you'll probably want this in your life. This will make applying, adjusting, *and* removing lashes a lot less challenging.

    A reviewer holding the false eyelash applicator
    A reviewer's applicator holding a pair of lashes

    It can also hold your eyelashes while you apply glue!

    Promising review: "I most recently stopped getting eyelash extensions and switched to falsies and am new to the game. I was using tweezers initially but they didnโ€™t help. This is a must!! It makes putting on my lashes a breeze!" โ€”Jess

    Get it from Amazon for $4.98ย (available in seven colors).

    37. A dishwasher magnetย for a simple yet effective way for everyone in your household to *finally* determine if they can grab a clean spoon to eat their late-night ice cream.

    A customer using the magnet
    The magnets

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." โ€”D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ย (available in four styles).ย 

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.