19 Questions About "Bridget Jones' Diary" I Have Now I'm An Adult

    Why was everyone dining in that Italian restaurant so chill during the fight scene?

    Let it be established that, and I’m not being dramatic here, I genuinely believe the Bridget Jones movies are cinematic masterpieces that should go down in history. Was Bridget Jones’ Diary maybe too mature for me to watch considering I was a literal child when it was popular? Probably. But I've re-watched it plenty of times over the years, and I have some questions.

    1. Was the early '00s a very different time where people were cool with smoking indoors at parties or something?

    2. How was Bridget considered a SPINSTER AT THIRTY-TWO?

    3. And why are we meant to buy into the idea that Bridget is not already slim?

    4. This is more an observation but she has so much desk space! A whole corner desk of her own!

    5. Why did none of the characters bat an eyelid at Bridget's mum being extremely racist?

    6. How did Daniel Cleaver attract women when he said creepy stuff like "hello mummy" during intimate moments? Did nobody find it weird?

    7. And how did he have such a gigantic flat?! In London?

    8. Why does Laura cover herself with a big folder when Bridget walks in? If it was for the sake of modesty why not put on a towel? And if not, was she just luxuriating nude in the bathroom going over some work stuff?

    9. How did Bridget get a new job by saying this in the interview?

    10. I know her friends love her deeply but why did she put up with some of their crap?

    11. At a point where you're having to serve blue soup that's got yarn dye in it, why not just order a takeaway?

    12. Why does nobody phone before showing up anywhere?

    13. Did nobody mind that a bunch of people walked out of their job to watch two random guys fight in the street?

    14. And why does everyone sit there like it's a normal meal when two people burst in and start fighting in a tiny restaurant?

    15. Isn't it kind of rude that nobody seems apologetic about destroying the property of a small and presumably independent business?

    16. Who hangs out with a co-worker so much that your family end up assuming you'll get married one day?

    17. How rich are Bridget's friends that they can surprise her with last-minute trips to Paris, but then it's totally fine when she can't make it in the end?

    18. Wasn't it kind of douchey of Mark to invade her privacy and read her diary?

    19. And even though Mark Darcy is mostly great so maybe this is forgivable, couldn't he have just told her he was getting her a new diary instead of walking out with no warning so that she's standing in the snow in her underwear?