If Male Characters Were Written Like Female Ones, This Is How Weird It Would Look

    "Stepping out, his bag grazed the fabric, which was against his nipples, which were very nipple-y."

    1. They would talk about testicles in a borderline obsessive way.

    2. As well as nipples. Everything would lead back to nipples.

    3. The men would purr instead of speak, and be compared to cats a lot.

    4. When writing characters in first person, they would describe their bodies in ways that literally no real human being on this planet would.

    5. If they weren’t white, there’d be a lot of allusions to exotic food.

    6. There would sometimes be Manic Pixie Dream Guys who help the uptight female character discover their true self.

    7. They would be fetishised for liking stereotypically “feminine” things and being “just like one of the girls”.

    8. Men over 40 would be withered old crones jealous of any young man they saw.

    9. The author would have no idea how men’s bodies actually work.

    10. And they’d describe grown adult men as if they were frail little animals.