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    I Finally Found An At-Home Workout Routine That Doesn't Feel Like A Chore (And I'd Recommend It To Anyone)

    My workout needed this revamp.

    Hey, hey! My name is Jasmine and I like a good workout, but the gym hasn't been the ideal place for me to visit lately.

    A young woman wearing workout clothes smiled with her hand on her hip.

    Recently, one of my best friends recommended that I try a virtual trap Zumba class.

    But let me back up. You might be thinking, Wait, what IS trap Zumba?? I'd describe it as a dance fitness class built around songs you'd shake some ass to when you're out with your friends.

    I decided to give it a try, and I set up a makeshift workout station at home — making sure I gave myself enough room to move around.

    A laptop sits on top of a printer, which is placed on a TV tray.

    And you know what? I ended up LOVING it. I loved the music and the movements that varied in pace. I hadn't done a dance workout in awhile, but the instructor's vibe was very comforting and encouraging. I also felt super confident with my body's movements and no pressure to keep up with anyone, since it was virtual.

    Let me tell ya — there were parts of the routine where I got so low to the ground that my corgi was pretty concerned. 👀

    A corgi with big ears looks up at her owner confused

    If you think you might like to try it too, there are lots of free trap Zumba options options on YouTube. Here's a 10-minute trap Zumba class:

    View this video on YouTube

    And here's a 10-minute trap aerobics class:

    View this video on YouTube

    As for Nicole's classes, you can find her on Twitch on Thursdays at 8 p.m. PT, and once a month on Saturdays.

    My biggest tip if you try trap Zumba? Make sure you have water nearby and prepare for a full body workout.

    A woman in workout attire looks tired as she sits on the floor

    Going forward, I'm going to try to get in a class at least once a week. It's a good stress reliever and a neat way to stay active.

    Have you discovered any creative ways to work out in these times? Tell me in the comments!