Kanye West Just Spoke The Truth About College Textbooks

    Finally some Kanye tweets that make sense.

    On Tuesday afternoon, rapper Kanye West took to Twitter to call out the high price of college textbooks, inspired by one of his friends:

    I have a friend who works really hard and makes $370 dollars a day…

    Her son just got in a really good school and his textbooks are like $400 dollars each …

    $400? Sounds about right.

    Too real.

    I mean, his mom has to work 2 days just to afford 1 book for her son …

    she’s giving everything she has to make sure her son has a better future…

    He even brought Steve Jobs into it:

    Steve Jobs wanted to lower the cost of textbooks…

    And then preached some goddamn TRUTH.

    Education puts Americans into debt before they even get a chance to get started…


    We have to lower the price of textbooks…


    I’d rather teachers got paid more and books cost less … #2020

    #2020?! Can we look forward to President West? Either way, Yeezy has spoken. 👏👏👏