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There's A Hilarious Erotic Parody Of Leo Winning An Oscar

"Leonardo Decaprico Finally Wins His Award And It Pounds Him In The Butt" is the book no one asked for, but here it is anyway.

Chuck Tingle, the legend behind such fine works of literature as My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass and Pounded by the Gay Color Changing Dress, is back at it again.

His new erotic story features a thinly-veiled parody of Leonardo DiCaprio named "Leonardo Decaprico" who stars in a movie called "The Reverass."

In the 4500 word story, Leo finally wins the award he's always wanted... but gets more than he bargained for. ("Leonardo Decaprico Finally Wins His Award And It Pounds Him In The Butt" is also probably more than anyone bargained for, tbh.)

Leonardo Decaprico has been nominated more times than he can count for the yearly award of most handsome buckaroo. However, despite the fact that he is one of the greatest actors of our time, he has still never won.

Hopefully, this year will be different. After a well-received performance in The Reverass, a movie about walking through the snow after a bigfoot attack, Leo is full of both anxiety and hope.

As he's watching the awards get handed out, though, Leonardo Decaprico begins to notice that his desire for these handsome golden statues is more than just professional, it's deeply erotic. Soon enough, the actor finds himself getting pounded on stage by his handsome award, making this a night that The Academy of Handsome Buckaroos is not likely to forget.

👀 OK then.

You do you, Chuck Tingle.