People Are Imagining What BuzzFeed Would Look Like In A Dystopian Society

    "BuzzFeed in 2 years: 10 Hilarious Tweets That'll Make You Forget You're In An Internment Camp."

    On Wednesday, the hashtag #DystopianBuzzFeed started trending on Twitter.

    People came up with BuzzFeed articles that might exist if we lived in a dystopian society, and the result was simultaneously hilarious and depressing.

    Meet the edgy teens who think liberal democracy deserves a comeback #dystopianbuzzfeed

    Only 90's Kids Will Remember These Basic Human Rights #DystopianBuzzfeed

    How Disney Princesses Would Look If Earth Still Had Air #DystopianBuzzFeed

    Some people made jokes about current US politics.

    I Lived Like Kellyanne Conway For A Week And Can't Stop Vomiting Blood #DystopianBuzzfeed

    This simple life hack turns your white hijab into a KKK hood to help you get through immigration. #DystopianBuzzfeed

    And it got dark real quick.

    Six fun ways to really own your registration tattoo! #DystopianBuzzfeed

    10 Prison Camp Problems Only Introverts Understand. #DystopianBuzzfeed

    Quiz: Can you name all the rights you used to have? #dystopianbuzzfeed

    10 Reasons Why Slavery Is the Best Form of Exercise

    Well played, Twitter.

    15 #DystopianBuzzfeed article titles you thought were really funny in 2017 until we actually wrote them #DystopianBuzzfeed