21 Signs Corbynmania Might Be Getting Slightly Out Of Hand

    Jeremy Corbyn fan art exists now. What a world.

    Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn seems to be quite a popular man at the moment.

    The 66-year-old MP is packing out halls full of screaming fans on a daily basis, like at this rally in London on Monday night.


    The veteran left-wing activist even had to clamber on top of a fire engine to speak to the gathered masses who couldn't fit inside the hall.

    1. But, when you can buy a pillowcase with Corbyn's smiling face on it, we're concerned things might be going too far.

    2. I mean, look at this. It's a bear with Jeremy Corbyn on it, which you can genuinely buy on eBay.

    3. This Labour activist has decided to call his new cat "Corbyn" after the anti-austerity parliamentarian.

    @662Maz my partner has identified a rescue cat called Missy and I have asked if it possible to change a Cat's name. I want my corbyn

    4. In fact, there's a dedicated "Kittens 4 Corbyn" Facebook page which has small cats espousing radical left-wing policies.

    5. People are drawing Jeremy Corbyn fan art. That's a real, factual sentence which exists in the world now.

    6. In fact, there's loads of it. In this one Corbyn looks like a frightening character from a Grimm's fairy tale.

    7. This is a self-portrait of the time the man on the left met his political hero.

    8. This is fandom art in its purest form.

    9. People are also embroidering pro-Corbyn propaganda.

    10. There are faintly disturbing depictions of Corbyn signing a woman's breast.

    11. People are demanding photos with the man they want to be Labour leader, although he doesn't seem to have quite mastered the art of the fandom photograph yet.

    12. He had two attempts at a smile here but didn't quite manage.

    13. People fancy Jeremy Corbyn.

    is it weird that I kind of fancy Jeremy Corbyn a bit

    14. You can enjoy your morning coffee with Jeremy Corbyn staring at you.

    15. Then go out for a pint of Jeremy Corbyn lager with the lads.

    16. Use a Corbyn beer mat.

    17. While wearing your Corbyn-themed outfit.

    18. And Corbyn jewellery.

    19. We're not saying your dinosaur shouldn't be supporting Jeremy Corbyn.

    20. Or that you shouldn't be plastering posters of Corbyn as Che Guevara all over the streets of London.

    21. But maybe, just maybe, this is all going a bit far.