Ed Miliband's Postelection Twitter Game Is Strong

    Resigning after a terrible election result isn't all bad.

    It's fair to say that people weren't very nice to Ed Miliband on Twitter before the general election.

    Whatever he said, people responded by calling him things like "rubber-necked arseflute".

    @Ed_Miliband #fuck off #beaker you rubber-necked #arseflute

    Or "raging thundercunt".

    @Ed_Miliband oh fuck off beaker you raging thundercunt!!!!

    But the former Labour leader has loosened up since his resignation, and appears to have wrestled control of his Twitter account away from his PR staff.

    Walk onto holborn tube escalator. Man shouts ' oh my god it's Nick Clegg'... Hmmm not exactly

    And bizarrely, people have suddenly started being nice to him.

    @Ed_Miliband ur a precious angel oh my goodness

    @Ed_Miliband may I cuddle you if I see you

    On Thursday he met the leader of the Milifandom, Abby Tomlinson, for lunch in parliament and pledged to "break the internet".

    Currently with the ever wonderful @Ed_Miliband

    Currently having lunch with the brilliant founder of #milifandom @twcuddleston to say thanks for starting something so highly improbable...

    Well @Ed_Miliband I think we at least partially achieved our goal of "breaking the internet". I cannot thank you enough for today.

    He's also addressed rumours that he was due to play a secret set at this weekend's Glastonbury festival.

    @butterflygxn leave it till next year I think....

    He's been hanging around Kentish Town and phoning up people's boyfriends.

    I appear to have a voicemail from the charming @Ed_Miliband after he bumped into my gf in Kentish Town.

    @PK_Anderson At least it wasn't the wrong number....

    So he may no longer be particularly powerful, but the upside is that his Twitter game has never been stronger.

    @Ed_Miliband no your an angel that's what you are

    @Ed_Miliband @OwenJones84 Love you Ed. Top man!

    It seems the Milifandom will never die.

    @embumPebbles @Ed_Miliband it's not funny how much i still love him 😢