Scottish Nationalists Have Hijacked The Amazon Reviews Of This Pro-Union Journalist's Indyref Diary

    The Scottish editor of The Telegraph has released a book about his referendum experience. The reviews are interesting.

    Alan Cochrane, the pro-union Scottish editor of The Telegraph, has released his referendum diary, Alex Salmond: My Part in His Downfall.

    It seems to have divided opinion among Amazon reviewers.

    But, looking a little closer, we're not entirely convinced everyone who's left a review of the diary has actually read it. For example:

    This reviewer was put off by the graphic sexual nature of Cochrane's referendum diary.

    But this reviewer was disappointed the sexual tension between Cochrane and Alex Salmond didn't develop to his satisfaction.

    This one was bitter about a personal encounter with Cochrane.

    The diary could be a good Christmas present for those with faulty furniture, said this reviewer.

    This reviewer hopes the book survives the apocalypse as a monument to human greatness.

    And we suspect this review about Cochrane defeating "the evil sorcerer Salmond" makes the diary sound more exciting than it actually is.