Louise Mensch Says Ebola Might Make People Vote Conservative

    The ex-MP said it was "time to get serious" over Ebola, and criticised "irresponsible comments" from Diane Abbott on Twitter that turned out to be from a parody account.

    Louise Mensch believes the Conservatives might get an unlikely boost in next year's general election – from Ebola. She tweeted her opinion after becoming incensed by "irresponsible comments" from Diane Abbott on Twitter.

    Same in the UK. If there is a serious outbreak in the UK I doubt voters will risk a labour government. Time to get serious. #Ebola

    I mean exactly what I say. Look at Diane Abbott's irresponsible comments on Ebola patients, Mili's open border policy. No. Way. #LabourFail

    People weren't sure if she was actually being serious.

    . @LouiseMensch @eddietruman Oh, I needed a laugh tonight. Thanks, Louise. Your commitment to satirizing the Right in the UK is outstanding!

    @LouiseMensch So Conservatives pinning election hopes on an ebola outbreak in the UK?

    @LouiseMensch how did you reach that conclusion?

    And, more awkwardly, Abbott hadn't actually talked about Ebola patients. It was a parody account.

    @LouiseMensch What am I supposed to have said about Ebola patients? Are you sure that you are not referring to some parody account?!

    Whoops! Apparently the Diane Abbot thing was a parody. Still have no doubt re Ebola and border/health policies. None. Labour not trusted.

    This is the parody tweet she was talking about. Profile picture aside, it's hard to see exactly what confused her.

    The NHS will cope well if Ebola turns up in the UK. Just look at their fantastic record with MRSA. #FantasticService #Labour'sLegacy

    Having corrected Mensch, the real Diane Abbott signed off with a sassy #JustSaying.

    @LouiseMensch Why is someone as experienced on Twitter as you falling for a parody account? #justsaying

    And people began to question which was the real parody account.

    Mensch says voting Labour leads to Ebola, in turn becoming a complete and utter parody of herself #gohomeurdrunklouise

    Hahahhahahah Louise Mensch has got to be some sort of parody surely?

    Wait, so Louise Mensch isn't a parody?