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Danny Alexander Went For A Walk And Accidentally Became A Meme

A photo of Danny Alexander walking on a beach appeared on Twitter, and it's been a hilarious day of photoshopping.

Danny Alexander went out for a lovely walk and posted this picture to his Facebook page.

With no glasses and no tie, the MP appeared to be showcasing his new cool and casual image.

danny alexander, please release a contemporary easy listening album and make this the cover. please.

At the time of writing, no such contemporary listening album has been released, but Twitter soon stepped in to help realise Hannah's dream.

@hannahs_a_man @PrimlyStable aye got that one for christmas

Then came the #DannysWalks hashtag, starting with Alexander calmly walking away from an explosion.

Cool guys don't look at explosions #DannysWalks

Then he joined Madness...

...and William Wallace's army in Braveheart.

Then he started popping up in moments from history, suspiciously positioned on the grassy knoll at JFK's assassination...

'@GeneralBoles @BDStanley I'm just going to leave this here. Apologies in advance to the RT Hon DA MP.. #DannysWalks

...and patiently waiting for Neil Armstrong to join him on the moon.

“In your own time, Neil. In your own time…” @GeneralBoles #dannyswalks

He also popped up in Tiananmen Square...

Get out of the way Danny. #DannysWalks

...before running into the Beatles on Abbey Road.

eh look Paul, it's @dannyalexander #DannysWalks

He then met more famous faces, such as Forrest Gump...

...and Vladimir Putin – although Alexander chose to keep his shirt on.

Get yer shirt off Danny. #DannysWalks

He also ran into some dangers on his walk, such as when he met the walking dead...

...joined the troops in the trenches...

since they're still being done - a pleasant stroll circa 1916 #DannysWalks

...went on a high wire...

.@GeneralBoles #dannyswalks #dannywalks

...and, worse still, got stuck in Waterstones.

don’t worry, @DWill_ - @dannyalexander is on his way to save you! #DannysWalks

And, after years of being called Beaker, he finally met up with the Muppets.

.@BDStanley @GeneralBoles Here is my first #dannyswalks attempt. With the correct hashtag.

Finally, after a long trek, Alexander proudly took up his rightful place alongside his fellow memes.

The 'Greatest Picture Ever' v5.8 #DannysWalks RT @hopisen no alex salmond kicking a football?

Welcome to the club, Danny.

(Original photo by John Ross for The Sunday Times)