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    So I Was Groomed By A Serial Killer

    We've all been there. The creepy dude at the party wants your number, no big deal. You avoid, give the wrong number, life moves on. But be careful who you talk to...

    So we know all of the same people. Go to parties together. But maybe it's the way he introduces himself. Just to give you a back story on me, I'm a ghost hunter.

    Just a little back story on what I know about him? He is a self-proclaimed "Zombie Hunter" who frequents Comicon with his zombie killing vehicle. He was popular. Everyone, including Phoenix PD, would get photos with him.

    I first met him at a party, where he introduced himself to me. "You're a Hunter? I'm a Hunter too..." It was red flags from the getgo.

    From there, I tried to avoid him. My gut feeling said stay away. I shyed away from his introduction.

    But he was always there. Always at the same parties. Always trying to get me to play board games. Always trying to strike up a conversation.

    I have pictures from our parties. Aside from his awkward introduction, he just seemed like a normal everyday geek, the kind of people I tend to enjoy and flock to.

    I wish I could adequately describe the normalcy. It was just like any other guy who wanted to get to know a girl. Invite her to activities. Invite her to group outings. Invite her to be alone with you. Invite her to his house.

    He desperately wanted to be alone with me.

    But, I'm a finicky woman. He lived in the north valley, about 40 minutes away from my house.

    He didn't stop. He kept inviting.

    I almost went. But, that gut feeling about his introduction told me "No, stop."

    So I listened.

    I was in Colorado visiting family when the news broke.

    Bryan Patrick Miller had been arrested.

    He was a serial killer.

    He would get women alone, and end their lives.

    I found out from Crime Watch Daily.

    They had found my images of Comicon online, and had wanted to purchase one of the photos from me.

    I didn't know why, until I googled his name.

    It was chilling.

    It was disbelief.

    Had I gone, I could have been the next. Sexually attacked, brutally stabbed, and left to die.

    This person I had grown to known had done that.

    My gut feeling saved me.

    News stories started breaking.

    Turns out, he had a 16 year old daughter and a hoarding problem.

    You know, aside from the serial killer thing.

    It took months to clean up his home safely.

    I felt for his daughter. I can't imagine what she is going through now.

    Years have gone by now. I've felt many emotions. But mostly, I'm grateful. Grateful that I listened to that gut feeling. Grateful I never went to his house. Grateful I never spent any time completely alone with him.

    After all, I was also a "hunter...". Who knows, maybe I presented a new challenge.

    I keep tabs on the news story. I guess he tried to fake mental illness to not stand trial. It didn't work, he was found mentally competent.

    I am safe. My family is safe. I will never take that for granted.

    My heart goes out to the victims, and to his daughter and family.

    But ladies, and gentlemen.....I know dating is hard. Especially these days.

    But ALWAYS be careful.


    It literally saved my life.