28 Reasons Jorah Mormont Was The Best Man In Westeros


    1. When he gave Dany books during their first meeting.

    2. When he was the softest man alive.

    3. The moment he made it clear that he was loyal to Dany, not Viserys.

    4. When he finished the Doom of Valyria poem.

    5. His tragic face when he found out how his father died.

    6. When he begged Daenerys to forgive him...

    7. ...and the moment she finally did.

    8. When he got annoyed with Tyrion...

    9. ...and when he accepted his token of friendship.

    10. The genuine fear he felt when he lost his queen.

    11. The fact that he never failed to come to Dany's defense.

    12. And his sexy begging skills were on point.

    13. The times he shaded Daario.

    14. When he thought he was saying goodbye to Dany...

    15. ...and his face when she commanded him to find a cure for his greyscale.

    16. When he lost all hope, and spent his final hours writing Dany a letter...

    17. ...but then he was saved, and handled the pain like a CHAMP.

    18. More Daario shade.

    19. When he finally returned to his Khaleesi, fully cured.

    20. When he offered to go beyond The Wall.

    21. When he wouldn't accept Longclaw from Jon...

    22. ...but did accept Heartsbane from Sam.

    23. When he confessed his heartbreak to Dany...

    24. ...but admitted Tyrion was the better man for the job.

    25. When he showed his cousin all of the respect.

    26. His words of wisdom.

    27. This.

    28. And when he refused to fall until he knew his Khaleesi was safe.

    Rest in Peace, Jorah the Andal.