32 Times John Mahoney Was The Best Part Of "Frasier"

    Rest in Peace, John Mahoney.

    1. When he tries to write a song:

    2. His response to Frasier's prayer about the noisy cricket:

    3. When he impersonates Daphne:

    4. When he wasn't afraid to call out his sons for being snobs:

    5. When he agreed to read a steamy book to a sick Daphne:

    6. When he pretends to be gay...

    7. ...but doesn't realize he's on a date with a man....

    8. ...and HIS ONLY SOLUTION is to pretend to be dating his own son...

    9. ...but then he makes it right and saves Frasier's Valentine's Day.

    10. When he asks this question:

    11. When he plays the Antiques Roadshow drinking game with the boys:

    12. When he took the dog psychiatrist's questions very seriously:

    13. When he secretly goes to the parole hearing of the man who shot him:

    14. When he utilizes the butler:

    15. When he wasn't afraid to be afraid of Lilith:

    16. When he had just finished watching Austin Powers:

    17. When he paid $10 (in Canadian money) for this photo:

    18. When he casually caught up with Diane:

    19. This:

    20. When he pulled this prank:

    21. When he tries to backtrack after getting caught calling Lilith a "witch":

    22. When he thinks Niles is trying to kill him:

    23. When his hair dye starts melting off:

    24. When he gets excited about his ears popping, and doesn't quite read the room:

    25. His love for Christmas decor:

    26. When he worries Lilith will ask for his sperm next:

    27. When his advice turns into a craving:

    28. When he talks about Eddie playing with bubble wrap:

    29. When he storms into Wine Club and lays down the dad law:

    30. This advice:

    31. We he works up the courage to tell his sons he loves them:

    32. And, of course, every moment with his best pal, Eddie:

    Did we leave out any of your favorite Martin Crane moments? Tell us in the comments.