24 Reasons "Angel" Was Perfect — In Honor Of Its 20th Anniversary

    October 5th marks 20 years since Angel premiered!

    1. Killing Doyle:

    2. "I Will Remember You":

    3. The Return of Wesley...

    4. ...And his perfect character arc:

    5. Angel & Cordy's Chemistry:

    6. Wolfram & Hart:

    7. Charles Gunn:

    8. The Return of Darla:

    9. Lorne:

    10. This:

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    Watching Angel sing Barry Manilow will never not be funny.

    11. And This:

    12. Winifred Burkle:

    13. "Waiting in the Wings":

    14. Faith vs. Angelus:

    15. "Spin the Bottle":

    16. This:

    17. And this:

    18. Season Five:

    19. The Return of Spike:

    20. Cordy's Goodbye:

    21. Harmony Kendall:

    22. "Smile Time":

    23. Illyria:

    24. The Finale:

    Do you have any favorite Angel moments that aren't on the list? Tell us in the comments!