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    38 Photos That Prove Our Parents Want To Embarrass Us

    So. Many. Patterns.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to show us the crazy outfits they wore as kids. Here are the results.

    1. This Pixar fan:

    2. This dancing queen:

    3. This Pocahontas fan:

    4. This trendsetter:

    5. This Blossom cosplayer:

    6. These cool AF sisters:

    7. This ski star:

    8. This sweet, summer child:

    9. This toon-in-training:

    10. This family of sports fans:

    11. This stylish party girl:

    12. This risk-taker:

    13. This sharp cyclist:

    14. This All-American:

    15. This back-to-school prince:

    16. This CEO-in-training:

    17. This dainty little queen:

    18. This Hello Kitty fan:

    19. This adventurer:

    20. This fashion icon:

    21. This outdoor maven:

    22. This catalog model:

    23. This badass:

    24. This Taking Back Sunday fan:

    25. This movie-loving pirate:

    26. This wild woman:

    27. These floral champions:

    28. This '90s icon:

    29. These hair connoisseurs:

    30. This flowery bundle:

    31. These hip kidz:

    32. This other Pocahontas fan:

    33. This lover of bears and grandmas:

    34. These stylish siblings:

    35. These other stylish siblings:

    36. This jazz star:

    37. These bold sisters:

    38. And this Batman fan:

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