32 Times The Internet Thirsted For Oscar Isaac

    "I don't know what it is, but Oscar Isaac's got it."

    1. This outrage:

    2. This emotional reminder:

    oscar tightly embracing carrie and kissing her on the cheek...carrie mouthing “he’s good”...i’m emotional

    3. This brain debate:

    SMALL BRAIN: star wars is about redemption BIGGER BRAIN: star wars is about hope GALAXY BRAIN: star wars is about oscar isaac’s hair

    4. This important question:

    do straight women find oscar isaac hot or is it just gay men and lesbians

    5. This po(e)se:

    6. This fact:

    Saw Star Wars and my main takeaway is that Oscar Isaac has chemistry with literally everything.

    7. This TLJ review:


    8. This day-maker:

    here's oscar isaac smiling to brighten up your day

    9. This mystery:

    I don’t know what it is, but Oscar Isaac’s got it

    10. This look inside the editing room:

    the last jedi’s director of photography adding the 35th adoring closeup of oscar isaac’s face

    11. This corporate stan:

    "Into?" "Specifically? Oscar Isaac in space. Oscar Isaac chasing after his cat and pursuing a career in music. Osca… https://t.co/VqYVhnYYQX

    12. This very true statement:

    Oscar Isaac has chemistry with fucking EVERYONE. I ship Poe/Finn, Poe/Laura Dern, Poe/Hux, Poe/BB-8....

    13. This confession:

    id suck oscar isaac's toes if he let me send tweet

    14. This chair you're jealous of:

    every once in a while i remember just how hot oscar isaac looked in agora........... the audacity...........

    15. This debate:

    yo Kylo stans I'm really happy that you all got that shirtless Kylo scene but hear me out i think Poe Dameron deserved that shirtless scene

    16. This look inside every TLJ character's mind:

    Poe Dameron: [breathes] Each and every Star Wars character:

    17. This revelation:

    “Poe Dameron is a Han Solo for the Internet Boyfriend generation.” oh god DAMMIT i hate how true this is

    18. This emergency:

    911 i want to report a robbery poe dameron broke into my house and STOLE my HEART

    19. This other TLJ review:

    another spoiler-free TLJ review: poe dameron is still the hottest piece of ass in the galaxy

    20. This intense feeling:

    Poe Dameron is literally so fucking beautiful like damn you blessing me eyes like that

    21. This big fucking wow:

    22. This scientific conclusion:

    I'm starting to think it's less that Poe Dameron is into Finn and more that he could have chemistry with a womp rat he's so charismatic

    23. This relatable Hux moment:

    kylo: man fuck poe dameron hux: im trying

    24. This turn on:

    My kink is Oscar Isaac saying "Estar Guars."

    25. This declaration:

    Not to be dramatic or anything but I would die for poe dameron

    26. This reminder:

    how am i expected to focus on anything when poe dameron jumped out of the ship and slid into the trench like that

    27. This:

    oscar isaac. that's it, that's the tweet.

    28. This other, other TLJ review:

    the last jedi spoiler free review: poe dameron is very sexy. like. very. he’s “holy shit i love men i’m so happy to… https://t.co/DzvGzOUq11

    29. This tame request:

    oscar isaac if u read this i’m free on thursday night and would like to hang out. please respond to this and then h… https://t.co/hHDcPVQMLw

    30. This not-so-tame request:

    i want oscar isaac to hit me right in the face with his guitar and knock me out cold

    31. This brilliant business plan:

    Charity Fundraiser Idea: Donate to secure a 5 minute slot in which you will be officially Oscar Isaac's BEST FRIEND… https://t.co/4wn1PAqbvK

    32. And this:

    Here’s a gif of Oscar Isaac looking directly at you. You’re welcome.