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    14 Important "Wet Hot American Summer: 10 Years Later" Talking Points

    We finally got to see what kind of people our favorite campers blossomed into. WARNING: This post contains spoilers.

    1. They dove ~hard~ into the 90s.

    2. The new characters.

    3. Adam Scott as Ben.

    4. Alyssa Milano as the crazy nanny.

    5. Gene is still the best.

    6. Jai Courtney's accent.

    7. Vic & Abby, together at last.

    8. Samm Levine's adorable face.

    9. The Stella guys as Bush, Clinton, and Reagan.

    10. Coop got played by Katie AGAIN?!

    11. David Hyde Pierce's cameo.

    12. Logan's shirt.

    13. The shocking final reveal...

    14. Oh, and Katie and Andy are ageless vampires.