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    Healthcare In America In 2017

    Our government is reforming healthcare based on the concept that health insurance is the foundation from which to build, we have to look beneath that.

    Why is healthcare a continuous problem in the United States?

    "Healthcare is complicated."

    ...because designing, and maintaining such a large socialist program that also puts billions of dollars into the pockets of insurance, and pharmaceutical companies, while simultaneously helping hundreds of millions of American citizens maintain a decent standard of living is more or less impossible. So who do we cut? That's the question. When reforming existing healthcare policies that's the question on the table. Either people are going to pay, or people are going to get cut, because this is insurance based healthcare. You're either going to pay a little more, or people are going to lose their insurance. In that respect, it's really kind of simple.


    Half of the people on the planet recognize that a person losing their healthcare as a problem, it is our responsibility to care for those that are not capable of caring for themselves. The other half maintain the illusion that the American Dream is somehow Randian centric, in its entirety--which is quite simply the equivalent of a complete lacking of empathy, and compassion--these people have, essentially, lost their humanity. Political dissonance has become more important than our humanity.


    With that said, there aren't any clauses we can add or remove, there isn't any amount of reform that we can make to appeal to our humanity, at least to the degree in which our society, as a whole, is willing to accept. So, we have to start over. Our government, and the American people have no choice but to completely re-imagine our healthcare system.


    Lucky for us, the problem already has it's solution. Only, it means insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies stand to lose, well...everything. We Abolish Health Insurance. Our government is reforming healthcare based on the concept that health insurance is the foundation from which to build, we have to look beneath that. If healthcare was privatized doctors would have to compete for our business. DOCTORS WOULD BE COMPETING FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SICK. That is the foundation from which we need to develop our healthcare system. The A.C.A., the A.H.C.A., the Better Care Reconciliation Act didn't work because they were all developed from the foundation of a system that disregards the needs of the people.