YouTube Star James Charles Just Announced His New Beauty Reality Show And The Competition Will Be Fierce, Of Course

    Let's get these makeup lewks ready, sisters.

    If you're a beauty babe, then you know who James Charles is.

    If you DON'T, he's a YouTube star and major beauty influencer. He has almost 16 million followers on IG, ALONE, not to mention over 14 million on his YouTube channel. Also, James serves the girls FACE with these makeup looks, OK?!

    Among everything else he's working on in the beauty space, Charles has announced that he's coming out with a beauty reality competition show! Peep his announcement here:

    View this video on YouTube

    According to Variety, the show is going to give us Project Runway vibes, and at the end of the competition, one up-and-coming makeup artist will receive a $50,000 cash prize.

    Here's more tea: The show is expected to debut next spring AND will live on Charles' YouTube channel. All of this at 20 years old? SIS IS WORKING, YA HEAR ME?!

    “Ever since I entered the beauty space three years ago, I’ve dreamed of producing my own beauty competition show,” Charles told Variety. “It’s a dream come true… It’s such an amazing opportunity for [YouTube] to take it above and beyond what we expected.”

    So I know you're asking, "GIRL, how do I get on the show?" Well, people can apparently apply on, and the submissions are due by the 21st. If you're part of the six finalists, you'll get flewed out to LA to compete.

    Now, this is not the first beauty/reality TV setup we've seen before, BUT I am excited to see how the show goes. I'm especially excited to see the casting and opportunities given to the selected "micro-influencers," but I'll hold my thoughts till showtime, baby.

    What do y'all think? Will you be tuning in?