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    Playing Dungeons And Dragons With Sun Tzu

    Using the Art of War by Sun Tzu, we'll look into how this applies to Dungeons and Dragons as a player.

    1. Have variety in the party.

    2. Learn what you can on your target in whatever manner you can.

    3. Know what you're about to fight; those Knowledge skills aren't just for show.

    4. Don't always run head-on into a fight.

    5. Three words: Sneak. Attack. Bonus.

    6. Holding your initiative is always a good option if the time isn't right.

    7. Always be aware of your surroundings and take advantage of them.

    8. Try to gain an advantage over a seemingly undefeatable foe.

    9. Don't let a fight last long; it's not good for your health.

    10. Total victory is assured when the enemy is completely destroyed. (Unless there’s a necromancer.)

    11. When in doubt, yell "Pewpewpew!"