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    5 Comedy Classics That Should Be Turned Into A TV Show

    Yes, this includes two Jim Carrey projects. Get over it.

    Televison in the modern era has become so wide spread and niche that top networks like ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX are having a tough time creating content that will both appeal to the youths as well as the old timers. What networks started to do instead of take a chance on an original show was ditch creativity and just adapt a popular film into a television show. This has worked ("Fargo", "Westworld", "Ash vs Evil Dead") and not worked ("Rush Hour", "Training Day" [RIP Brill Paxton], "Taken"). I am not saying we ditch this formula for a easy TV show entirely but what I want to see are some classic comedies rather than action movies turned into shows on the top networks. Here are 5 classic comedy films that should be turned into TV shows today.

    Caddyshack (1980)

    Shaun of the Dead (2004)

    Accepted (2006)

    Dumb and Dumber (1994)

    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)