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    Top 10 Tweets About Scumbag Rapist Brock Turner

    Receiving well-dersered backlash Brock Turner is the low-life who raped a woman on a collage campus and was only sentenced a slap-on-the-wrist 3 months in prison. Here are the Top 10 tweets about him.

    1. WTF indeed

    2. Brock Turner In The Middle

    3. American Horror Story 2016, America Scary af

    4. #inequality

    5. Don't Fact Check. This Is Fact

    6. They Knew What To Do Back Then

    7. It Seems We All Agree The Human Centipede Is Deserving For Brock

    8. God Dammit

    9. Literal Proof

    10. I Think We Can Get Hilary Clinton As An Investor