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What’s Something You Hate About Parenting That You’d Only Ever Admit To Strangers Online?

Let's be real, nobody can live up to that "World's Number One Parent" mug.

Let's face it, being a parent isn't easy. In fact, it's pretty damn hard.

Screenshot from "The Middle"

But it still feels like there's a pressure for parents to have all the answers; stay cool, calm, and collected at all times; and always set a perfect example.

Screenshot from "Neighbors 2"

But parents are HUMAN, and there are things about parenting that just plain SUCK.

Like, maybe you feel resentful that your entire identity now revolves around being a mother or a father, and you feel like it's changed your personality in ways that you don't really love.

Screenshot from "Life as We Know It"

Or, maybe your kid is actually kind of annoying and you feel guilty for feeling that way, but are PRAYING whatever they're going through is just a phase and they won't always be this way.

A mother and daughter arguing

Or, it could be that you hate having to deal with other parents, and would rather go screaming into the night than make small talk at another playdate.

Two fathers sitting on a bench holding their kids

Whatever it is, I want to hear from you, the BuzzFeed Community. Tell me the things about parenting that you actually hate — things you might only tell strangers online. It's time we talk openly about it, instead of pretending like everyone has it all together.

You can submit your responses in the comments below, or you can send them in anonymously using this Google form.

Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!